I'm running the Overlord for my family and Encounter 1 says you select 1 Open Group and that it isn't placed at the beginning of the game. It doesn't say when you place it and it isn't listed under reinforcements. Am I missing something? Not sure when you get the Open Group or even if I should have one. Thoughts?
Edited by theharrowerShadow of Nerekhall: Price of Power issue
Don't have the quest in front of me, but I think it comes into play with one or more influence effects.
I found it. It's one of the Chaotic Energies. So much reading comprehension. Still think it should have been mentioned in the setup though. Thanks!
I don't have my book handy, but if I recall, there's another quest that has Ynfernael Hulk as one of the groups, but the group only comes into play via one of the Influence effects as well.
Yeah, sorry my bad.
I have this expansion into a spanish version, and I think in this adventure are some errors. Can any of you tell me if in the second encounter the SS can only use 1 ferric golem or the entire group?
In encounter 1, the word "ironbound" is used to describe multiple ironbound. The same word is used in encounter 2. In encounter 1, it specifically tells you to ignore group limits. In encounter 2, you must follow them, so, in encounter 2, if there are 4 heroes, there should be 2 ironbound.
Edited by Zaltyre