Hi, my rules are the person with the lower refs sends first, I will trade over seas, but only if we simal send, and I will check lists. I tryed to keep the list type 3 but some stuff may have sliped through. If you wish to make an offer leave a comment on the forum ane either make your offer here or leave an e-mail so I can reach you. I didn't list charaters or many comons and uncomons so ask me if and I will see if I have them.
Freezing Execution X3
Solar Flare Dance X 2
Sickle of Sin
Wicked Chew X4
125 Rapids of Rage X4
Reverse Flayer X4
Ice Coffin X3
Lunar Slash X2
Heel Snipe X4
Enkidu the Valiant
Odin's Wrath
Fierce Twin Slash X2
Dynamite Drop
Beast Hurricane X4
A Year's Difference X2
Demuth's Sponsorship X4
Luna's Encouragementds
Giradod's Leadership X3
Clean Freak X3
Chester's Backing X 2
Endless Years of Practice X2
Charismatic X4
Rejection X4
Clean Rematch X4
Through the Defences X4
No I in Team
Arm's Length
Seal of Strcture X4
Sacred Temple X4
Lollipop X4
Seal of Cessation X4
Government Sponsrship
Egyptian Temple X5
Secret Project X9
Arrogance X4
A Cat's Reflexes X3
Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants X2
As the post title eludes Switching Weapon Style and Cross Madness are my highers wants right now so please offer them fist.
BTW: The reson I can't just buy an ivy stater at my store is because they are sold out, and the idiot owner will not order any more starter decks untile he sells all of the others. Ya, like anyone is really going the buy that Cervantes deck.
Switching Weapon Style X2
Cross madness X2
Flames of Fame X2
Raging Gnome X1
Artificial soul X1
Ira-Spinta x4
Researching Anywhere X1
I am also more than willing to check lists.
My e-mail is