Tournament: German COC LCG Open on 22nd August

By thorondor, in CoC Organized Play

German COC LCG Open

location: Jugendherberge Freusberg, 57548 Kirchen, Germany (thats 50 km east from Cologne).
this tourney is part of a tournament weekend organized by the German distributur of FFG Heidelberger Spieleverlag. in the centre the german Nationals are played, but there are side events, like this tourney for COC.
date: Friday, 22.08.2014
starting time: 5:30 pm
registration starts at: 5:00 pm

format: Swiss System + Cut TOP4 (number of rounds depends on number of players)
time for 1 round: 50 minutes
cardpool: if the expansion The Sleeper Below is at least 2 weeks before available (8th aug), its going to be legal.
deck list: not necessarry

rules: Standard FFG
fee: will be announced later
Preise: will be announced later
registration: send an e-mail to
tourney organizer: Wolfgang "thorondor" Penetsdorfer

Edited by thorondor