High Twilight Card costs?

By Joker, in Android

Hi folks. Me again.

Sorry to keep emailing with rules queries, but I've had the game less than a week.

My son, playing Floyd, was completely Light shifted. He noted that some of the Good Twilight cards cost 6 Twilight to play. Impossible, when there are only 4 slots on the Twilight card.

I told him: You can still pay for this, if you:

-wait until a plot matching the color comes up (-1 to Twilight cost ),

-discard 2 cards from your hand (another -2 to cost),

...leaving you with a cost of 4 Twilight and be completely dark shifted.

Did I do right? He's an even bigger rules lawyer than his old man, and I promised him I'd check.



You got it right. The really powerful cards cost more than 4, which means you need to get a discount on them, or throw other cards away to play them