Warrior Wild Flare

By morespam, in Cosmic Encounter

Hi All,

The other day we had the Warrior Wild Flare in the game

"Wild : When you are the defense, immediately after the encounter is over, you may encounter the offense in his or her home system. After your encounter, the normal order of play continues where it left off."

The question I had was does the encounter stated on the Wild Flare include all steps of a standard encounter?

This opens a few questions:

1. Do we have a re-group phase (player gets a ship from the warp)
2. Destinay phase (a card is drawn and then ignored, as the warrior flare overides this)
3. All players can use another flare (this could include players that have flares that can be played as "any player" ie: not the main players)
4. artifacts can be played (ie: mobius tubes).
5. Etc...

....OR is this encounter just done from the launch phase onwards?

We played the full encounter rule... but it seemed VERY powerfull... almost an alien power onto itself, giving the player who had warrior flare allot more full encounters to use his cards etc then the standard 2.

Yes, it allows you to receive an extra regular encounter, with all phases included.

I agree that it’s powerful but there are always ways around it.