Here's my best shot at this deck-type for the time being. Yeah, it has some glaring holes in the form of resources, but it's also got an abundance of cheap and versatile characters. Plus the Reinforcement events.
Most of its pretty self-explanatory. Getting into a MwnK duel isn't actually that terrible for this deck, as it has some pretty excellent card draw, and odds are about 50/50 when it happens that you'll be in the same position you were before the Reinforcements triggers start going off.
The Maesters: Refugee of the Citadel & Maester of the Sun are 2 STR for 2G tri-cons while theres a Maester of War out. Aemon even gets a Mil icon. The abundance of STR 2 or lower characters works great with Underhanded Assassins as well. (One of Martells best LCG characters.) Desolate Passage with an Underhanded Assassin is also basically an auto-win challenge for you as well.
3x Obara gives you a better shot at the chance for a 2nd mulligan. Its pretty important to get a good start with this decks handicaps in resources, so the small added percentage does help. Otherwise, its some extra saves for your strongest unique.
Open Market synergizes really well with the Maester of the Sun's save effect & the Retreat and Regroup event. You can keep discarding and trading up for cards you really need. It essentially can bring back "killed" reinforcement event characters to your hand for you in this manner once they've been discarded.
----- Plots (7) -----
Desolate Passage x1
A Time for Ravens x1
A Song of Summer x1
Wildfire Assault x1
Snowed Under x1
Valar Morghulis x1
Fury of the Sun x1
----- Characters (28) -----
Desert Exiles x3
Men With No King x3
Refugee of the Citadel x3
* Gilly x1
* Samwell Tarly x1
* Obara Sand x3
Underhanded Assassin x3
Carrion Bird x3
Maester of the Sun x3
* Maester Aemon x1
* The Bastard of Godsgrace x1
Maester of War x3
----- Locations (14) -----
Open Market x2
Temple of the Graces x3
Summer Sea x3
Crossroads x3
Street of Steel x1
Shadowblack Lane x1
Street of Sisters x1
----- Attachments (6) -----
Black Raven x3
War Scorpion x3
----- Events (12) -----
3x Retreat and Regroup
3x Summer Reserves
2x Missing Recruit
2x Beguiled Bodyguard
2x Spy in the Midst
Agenda: Kings of Summer
Total cards: 60
I've thought about pulling the War Scorpions for 1 more copy each of the Reinforcement events, as the Limited Responses on MwnK and War Scorpion can sometimes be at odds with each other, but so far it hasn't come up that often.
Anyway, yeah... its not the greatest deck in LCG by far... and to me, its REALLY boring to only have all of 2 whole named Martell characters in a Martell deck. But still, it actually works pretty well for a half-existing house in LCG. Thoughts, suggestions?