Feel free to have fun with it
Dauntless-Class Map
This is amazing, thanks. I love the name Lord Logisticar and the King below the decks. I think Im going to be expanding on it.
Edited by RobomummyI had a lot of fun imagining what sort of situation would give rise to such a 'kingdom'. Logically, I thought the food source would be an issue - until I saw the inclusion of a squig launcha. Surely, those spores must have gotten out at one point and provide a staple diet for the King of Crates, or King Krate, the King Below the Decks, etc and his vessal realm. =D
Makes sense, to be honest I didn't really think about the logistical details for running a kingdom beneath the decks of the ship. I plan on expanding on that more now.
Something a bit different, but related to what i'm working on.
The Byzantine Structures of the Void-Faring Organizations, Calixis Sector
Merchent Fleet (Navis Mercantilis) performing a warp transition to real space.
Hey can you tell us how you make these things. It would be really helpfull for my players if i could show them things like this.
Looks like you select the ship as an object in Photoshop, overlay black, stroke a couple of pixels, then draw lines to segregate your components.
Cogniczar, by now you must have some kind of .psd-file or something to do these things, judging by the output. Any chance you could throw it to the rest of us?
Likely with a set of basic instructions, I know how even the most basic of .psd-files can become labyrinthine to anyone but it's own user.
I'd also like to request The Solstice Imperialis, the pilgrim ship that became part of Port Wander.
Well that's a moderately impressive bot.
The psd for one of them. You'll also need Caslon Antique for some of the text.
1. Copy/draw your primary object.
2. Make a new layer.
3. On that layer, create a clipping mask
4. On that layer, fill the clipped area with black.
5. Merge that layer with the primary object layer.
6. change foreground color to white, select the merged layer and add a stroke. 2pt 'inside'.
7. Now you'll have your silhoullette. Draw lines, add text.
The rest of it is a smuttering of little things like transparency, random filters, etc.
As a warning: I didn't group anything. No complaints! =P
Ill work on the Solstice Imperialis once I'm done unpacking at the house. Still in the transitionary phase after my move. =D
May I cross link this thread and one sample image on another forum ( www.forum.specialist-arms.com in the Battlefleet Gothic section)?
Am I doing it right?
dumb question: why 2 versions of each map ?
One is presumably for general use, while the other features background characters that may or may not be appropriate depending on campaign. Likely, the character(s) are chosen based on his own preferences for his own campaign.
Doing it right Fgdsfg!
Egyptoid, I made two versions of each map for the exact reasions Fgdsfg mentioned. The watermark 'captain' was just a personal preference of mine, but I thought having it removed would make it easier to fit in other people's campaigns if they used it for a reference. Nothing more than that. =D