Time for an original mark
Well this is super cool.
thanks Errant.
FYI, if anyone wants me to make a layout of their own ships, feel free to post your ships name, class, essential and supplimentary components. These are super easy for me to do now, and i don't mind making many more.
I like the look of these things. Makes me wanna make my own - completely different from these, of course, because I'm contrarian like that.
Very nice.
Only comment: it's "Derel i ct"
An internal map of the ship helps add a lot of character.
Citizen, I believe your optics must have not received the proper rites of maintenance. Your issued complaints are invalid. For failing to appease the machine spirits, we are sending you to re-education on Synford-II.
(Thanks, I fixed the mispellings! =D )
I like the look of these things. Makes me wanna make my own - completely different from these, of course, because I'm contrarian like that.
These are all great, though one thing I'd like to comment on are the gun decks and the voidsmen's quarters. They're usually reversed on most voidships, with the crew taking up residence on the dorsal part of the ship when possible. The ratings and gun crew sleep where they work.
The macrocannon decks are large and take up kilometres of space aboard even a light cruiser.
Thanks for the comments Marwynn. I'll address your points.
These are all great, though one thing I'd like to comment on are the gun decks and the voidsmen's quarters. They're usually reversed on most voidships, with the crew taking up residence on the dorsal part of the ship when possible. The ratings and gun crew sleep where they work.
The Gun Decks shown on these maps are the Gun Decks for the Weapon Batteries.
As for the Voidsmen's Quarters, I don't really have an answer for that. For the most part, been using a fairly whimsical, 'I'll put this here' approach since I am/was unaware there was ever any information about the interior of the ships printed so far. If you know a source, please let me know. Keep in mind though that so far, all of these ships are unique or retrofitted non-Navy ships (Rogue Traders, Chartists, etc), so any adherence to standard design isn't a big concern at this point in my map making. I'm just starting to whip up some Calixis Fleet ships soon though, so good to know.
The macrocannon decks are large and take up kilometres of space aboard even a light cruiser.
Macrocannons and other large weapons haven't been included in the maps. the 2d plane isn't sufficient enough (for me) to depict in a way i'm satisfied with, so I opted to ignore those locations completely. Essentially, these maps are showing general, abstract areas excluding the main armament decks.
I present the first ship I've created for Battlefleet Calixis
CSSO stands for Calixis Sector, Segmentum Obscuras. I'll be adding them to HIS most majestic Fleet.
Edited by Cogniczar
This one's for Marwynn
Mind doing one for my crew? It has a few custom bits on it.
The Valkyrie: Tempest Class Frigate
- Jovian Class 2 Drive
-Strelov 1 Warp Engine
- Warpsbane Hull
-Void Shield Array
-Combat Bridge
-Vitae- Life sustainer
- Voidsmen quarters
- M201B Auger Array
-Micro Laser Defense Grid
-Augmented Retro Thrusters
-Compartmentalized Cargo Hold
-Reinforced Bulkheads
-Sunsear Laser Battery
-Bomb Squig Launcha with attached squig breeding pen (counts as Mars Pattern Macrocannon).
Special Notes: The Macrocannon has been refitted by the ork mekboy to fire boarding torpedos full of bomb squigs. Also a part of the cargo bay has been taken over by a royal family who have built a castle there (there is currently a siege going on to get them out of the castle that has lasted for the last year).
Edited by Robomummysaw this last night before heading to work. just got home now, so im going to start whipping this one together. sounds like a fun ship! =D