Die in the Town Sqare

By Nioreh, in Talisman Rules Questions

If you die in the town square (the city expansion), should you discard all loot or leave it?

"Move 1 card of your choice in this Region to this space. If there are no other cards in this Region, draw 1 card instead.

Discard all cards remaining on this space at the end of your turn."

I'd say discard it. The turn still ends even if the character dies/his turn ends when he dies :)

EDIT: I received some clarification from FFG, so although it's not printed anywhere public yet, I'll share.

Apparently, the bold text on a space determines whether it's a "draw" or "non-draw" space. Small text below it either expands on the bold text, or is a constant effect that applies as long as your character is on the space.

So the effect of the Cursed Glade, for instance, is always constant, whether you are encountering the space or even if you're just hanging out there during an opponent's turn.

I also received clarification for the Town Square and Summoning Circle spaces that ask you to move cards in lieu of drawing. These instructions are encountered first, as if you were drawing them.

So the Town Square has an instruction that's encountered at the beginning of the encounter sequence:

"Move 1 card of your choice in this Region to this space. If there are no other cards in this Region, draw 1 card instead."

And a constant effect that occurs as long as the active player is standing on the space:

"Discard all cards remaining on this space at the end of your turn."

Edited by Artaterxes

The Town Square has an effect similar to the Precipice spaces in the Highland Region.

If you are killed or are toaded during your turn while encountering the Precipice or the Town Square, the instructions on the space must be followed. So, all cards on the space get discarded at the end of the turn. It's correct to say that cards dropped or moved to such spaces don't get discarded, if the spaces are not encountered during the current turn.

However, Artaterxes comment is justified by the Town Square special wording.The technical analysis about the Town Square being a Draw card space or not is well done, but I'm not sure it's really a Draw card space. I personally treat as Draw card spaces only the spaces which feature the instruction "Draw x Cards" in the bold text. For example there's the Monster Pit in the Dungeon, which doesn't look like that but ultimately it's a Draw card space. Of course the base game definition of "Draw card space" became soon obsolete with the board expansions.

Maybe I should have written something about why I even asked.

I don't think this is a "draw x card(s)" space.
If you would die from cards (which could be left there for whatever reason) before encountering the space you would not discard anything since the instructions hasn't even been encountered yet. (<- Which raises the question if you could go there, kill an enemy, encounter the space, draw another card and encounter it? I'd say yes.)

But what I was really considering was:
If you would encounter the empty Town square, draw a card and get killed. Is there even a time frame that is the end of your turn or has your turn just ended it's existence altogether. I mean.. if you're dead... there is no turn at all so you couldn't very well do anything? (or maybe I was just a tiny little bit too philosophical when this came to my mind? :huh: :D )

Edited by Nioreh

If you would die from cards (which could be left there for whatever reason) before encountering the space you would not discard anything since the instructions hasn't even been encountered yet.

I think as long as you are on the space, the small-text (being a constant effect, see above) means you'll always discard the cards.

Which raises the question if you could go there, kill an enemy, encounter the space, draw another card and encounter it? I'd say yes.

No, based on th clarifications I received, moving a card on the Town Square or Summoning Circle is instead of drawing.

If you would encounter the empty Town square, draw a card and get killed. Is there even a time frame that is the end of your turn or has your turn just ended it's existence altogether.

I would say that death immediately ends your turn in the same way does losing a battle or psychic combat.

Edited by Artaterxes

Yeah there is no "official" rule on when a chracter dies in regard to their "end of turn". But because the "end of turn" phase is the last phase a player has before play contunues on I would say the act of dying would kick in the players "end of turn". I think if it was the other way around it would case trouble when some players say "But hang on you never ended your turn" :) .

I'd like to bring up the fact, that although your character dies, the PLAYER'S turn would still continue. Providing there is no one at the crown of command, the player would begin again next round with another character.

Now if the player dies, I would suspect he should not encounter the space ;)

Hahahaa, yeah... Good point :-D

Now if the player dies, I would suspect he should not encounter the space ;)

But they did encounter the space? This is a "end of turn" issue. I still cant see where it says that when you die your turn ends? So until we have some form of clarification i would say its play as normal?

Now if the player dies, I would suspect he should not encounter the space ;)

But they did encounter the space? This is a "end of turn" issue. I still cant see where it says that when you die your turn ends? So until we have some form of clarification i would say its play as normal?

I suspect if a player dies, the game should end anyways. It's only good sportsmanship. :)

But on a serious note, I would probably say that a player always finishes his turn - even if a character dies. So I would vote that the cards would be discarded personally.

In terms of game play, a turn should be associated with a player and not a character. There will always be an end turn, so that the next player may begin their turn.

My 2 cents.

Edited by chemical22

If your character dies, your turn ends obviously. You have taken your turn and you died. How the hell can you think otherwise? There is no need for this in the FAQ!

...How the hell can you think otherwise? There is no need for this in the FAQ!

Well wow... slow down, no need to loose your temper or get aggressive.

I admitted half way through this thread that we got way too philosophical. (The question we raised was if there was anything at all after death, if even the "end of your turn" time slot existed after dying ..and yes, before anyone else asks, there was wine involved :) )

..no one has even mentioned the faq?

..no one has even mentioned the faq?

On the bright side, your question actually created discussion about other, maybe even more important points: the existence of constant effects and the substitution of moving cards for drawing them.

None of these points have appeared in the FAQ either, so they are not official rules yet (just hearsay), but since I'm glad I got them clarified because I have been playing differently. So, thank you for starting this topic!

I think if a character dies on the Town Square its time to put Talisman away and play RoboRally.

...How the hell can you think otherwise? There is no need for this in the FAQ!

Well wow... slow down, no need to loose your temper or get aggressive.

I admitted half way through this thread that we got way too philosophical. (The question we raised was if there was anything at all after death, if even the "end of your turn" time slot existed after dying ..and yes, before anyone else asks, there was wine involved :) )

..no one has even mentioned the faq?

I don't think anyones being aggressive? I think the "How the hell can you think otherwise" was a important and "to the point" counter arguement? I mean you have to admit there has to be a "end of turn" no matter what anyway.

Yep no agressiveness from me, I just sometimes get to the point that's all lol
