Our very first 2v2 coop game...

By Ruvion, in Mutant Chronicles

four 7/7/7 armies, two A1 maps, with VP threshold of 31. Houserule we used that game was: only one unit can ever benefit from holding a Victory Zone. It was a blast...

Gold team was Algeroth and Bauhaus: weird team-up I know...

Silver team was Capitol and Bauhaus.

The Bauhauses were nearly mirror composition of each other (only the command cards were somewhat different). This resulted in a tight game where 3 minor mistakes by team Silver gave the Gold team the win.

For those interested, the way how we calculated the VP threshold is as the following:

component number (this case 7) x 3 x 1.5 = 31 (rounded down).

Doubling the usual VP threshold was way too high making it unrealistic, so we settled for a 1.5 multiplier.

Anyone else tried coop? What were your experiences like??

We almost did a coop game - but then we wondered what the correct rules would be... can everyone play with the same unique characters? So 2 Mitch Hunters on the same allied side? But our creative juices were'nt flowing so we never did it. Did you happen to have any repeat uniques? Did it skew the game at all?

We have run 3 player games which have been quite fun. We try to seperate our forces evenly between opponents so all players are in the game for a good spell.

I do not have a 4th faction yet, so yes, we had a repeat unique last night: Max Steiner. Once I get the last remaining faction there shouldn't be any problems with repeat uniques, unless we want to allow repeats.

Other than the shared faction command cards, only the tactics and markmanship neutral cards are shared, so there is few overlap in terms of command cards.

What was the compositions and the army cards for the brahaus out of curiosity.? gui%C3%B1o.gif

I play mainly this force and I am curious to see what other people are playing.


We focused on the in house Bauhausian cards rather than the neutral command cards (ie Tactics & Markmanship).

Some of the Bauhaus staple cards used that game were: Heavy Artillery, Noble Poise, Speed Reload, Ministry of War, Superior Tech

Our armies were IIRC:

Max Steiner, Etoilles Mortant x2, Dragoon Kapitan, Security Specialist, Battlesuit Prototype x2. I had One more Dragoon Kapitan than the other guy.

I think I had 2 gold, 3 silver, and 3 bronze order tokens. The other guy had 1 or 2 less order tokens.

The finer details escape me for the moment since the game was played fast and furiously (almost instinctively) in the wee hours of darkness....