Transient resources and character abilities

By Norraf Von Nacht, in CoC Rules Discussion

Ok, so here's the situation... I've got a Lemurian Survivor (I know this is from the CCG and not the LCG, but I bear with me) and I have a rules question I simply cannot find the answer for anywhere.

Lemurian Survivor reads "Action: pay 1 to return Lemurian Survivor to your hand if it entered your discard pile this phase."

Now, can this be activated if the reason for it entering my discard pile is because I used it as a transient resource? Or, can one only activate that ability if it was a character prior to going into the discard pile?

Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated. :)

If Lemurian Survivor's condition was "if it entered your discard pile from play" (like Professor Nathaniel Peaslee, Core F24 ) or "if it left play" then it wouldn't work, but the wording of "if it entered your discard pile" doesn't care how it got there so it would work when used as a transient resource.

Edited by jasonconlon

Two cards from other factions with an identical wording have been reprinted in the LCG Core Set:

Visiting Author and Local Sheriff:

I believe in the CCG every faction had such a card. And I'm quite sure they got that Action precisely because they can be used as transient resources.