World of Warcraft Adventure Game Characters Wave 2

By Guest, in Support


Can you please update the status on the WoW Adventure Games Character Wave 2? The upcoming page still has them listed for 2009 April release and also says they are still at the factory. I will continue to do what I can to support the game by submitting the articles you have asked me to donate time to, but it is up to you guys to get the articles out to the public and keep the hype going for the game. One disappoinment I have had with FFG lately is the lack of support they are giving their games. Arkham, Call of Cthulhu, and anything Games workshop (Talisman and Dark Heresy) got a ton of articles. Yet Twilight Imperium, Starcraft, and many other games still get very little coverage or hype. If I had the time to spend 3 hours a day submitting an article for every FFG game i owned I would. Twilight Imperium should have a ton of articles relating to different strategies for the races in the game and different overall playstyles. Same goes for Starcraft and Battlelore.

Please Note that since no articles were posted for certain games how the forum activity for some of those games died almost imediately. The forums should not be a source for articles and fan submissions. Forums are best for answering questions for the game.

I think if you guys want a product line to sell at a constant flow you should create a branch that focuses mainly on writing and submiting professional articles for your games just like Wizards of the Coast and Upper Deck Entertainment do for their products. They both have a new article everyday for not just upcoming products or tourney info but differnt decks and scenarios, and strategies. Also, if you do take that advise, don't require monthly payments for the articles like Wizards. They will just end up as torrents and actually turn customers away. Greed never looks good. Another fine example is Wizkids. Wizkids was a strong company until Topps bought them out and they decided to let Topps popularity sell their games. They stopped creating artciles and thus started to make Topps get worried that they were losing the fans' interest in their products and as a result Topps shut down Wizkids and all of their products.

So please FFG show the love for your games that you did before the website transition. Maybe bring back the devs rants and raves section for starts.

Please do not take this as a personal attack. I am just voicing a concern I have noticed with other companies and giving the same advice I gave them before they were forced to pull the plug on many of their products.



Please delete. Posted in wrong forum. I created the topic in the Wishing Well forum.
