Anyone on CoH/CoV?

By The Red Woman, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

As I like to be four years behind the masses and choose to pick up Cities of Heroes/Villians instead of Warhammer Online, I figure I'll see if anyone else is on there before I bang my head against the desk over my purchase.

Anyone? Crickets?

**** straight! Play on Guardian server. Jeppedo and I both have characters there. Staton used to play as well. Maybe you can talk him into opening an account back up again. :D

Still interested in trying it out? Jeppedo and I will likely be on tonight. My global chat handle is Capital if you do give it a try.

Werd G, i make it rain on the Guardian server!! Yeah we will be on tonight, give Capital or Nightsar a shout.

I left my game at work! Otherwise I'd be on tonight. But really, I should be cleaning my place and mentally prepping for Thanksgiving, so it's probably better. If y'all will be on Friday, I'll probably be there.

We should be on Friday, about what time were you thinking? And what type of character and level?

Issue 13 is live. Leveling pacts!