Chicago Regional Participants - FFG would like email info

By ktom, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Anyone who was at the Chicago Regional:

FFG has requested email addresses for the participants. Apparently, they have something special planned that you could miss out on if they don't have them. I, of course, didn't collect email addresses. So if you'd like me to submit your email to FFG, please post it or send it to me by PM.


Hey Ktom my email is Good seeing you again, thanks for an awesome tourney. From the Only Detroit Player That Matters:)

Hey Ktom my email is Good seeing you again, thanks for an awesome tourney. From the Only Detroit Player That Matters:)

Yeah yeah yeah... You took 7th. Enjoy it. PM'd ktom on agotcards. ;)

lol ;)

Did FFG ever do anything with the emails that they collected from this?

Is be interested to know too!
