Bolt of Valpurgis

By Bobby-Winky, in Mutant Chronicles

Unit Card #55 Archmagus Valpurgis has a special action in his text which states:

"Obsidious Bolt" - 3 Actions: Choose an adjacent hex as a direction and draw a line to the end of the map along every hex in that direction. Roll 2 green (light ranged) dice against every unit standing in this line.

Must you roll for accuracy on each unit in line of the bolt? This is not a normal attack action. So the normal attack parameters do not necessarily apply. In fact the above text does not really state that you are rolling for damage (though what else would you be rolling for?)

I dont think you roll accuracy roll, just damage roll - in my opinion, it will be not very strong ability, if you can only hit some enemy figure in distance 8 hexes and only with propability 1:6 that you roll 8 . This ability cost you 3 action, so it is one GOLD order token and this figure cannot do nothing more if you decide to use this ability.

I agree with Anatol. You roll only for damage.

But i have other doubt - how about walls and other terrain like walls? Is a Valpurgius get through them or the attakc ends on them?

In the text of this char is wrote that, this line is to the end of the map, so I thnik no wall can stop it

So in other words there is no defense for that attack. Get Valpurgius in Your start zone and protect him at any cost. Your opponent need to get him or he will lose.

Hmm... To powerful and too easy to win. I will limit this power to signt range or make other limitation.

I dont think that it is very powerful, becasue you need spend gold order token to use 3 action and then you can just activate one other char and for enemy will be easy target without support .... and you can just stay out of lines of valpurgius and 2 green dices are not very dangerous. next thing is, that if you stay in your starting zone than enemy take victory zones and win with points. ( if you play a game with victory zones)

Of course if You play with VZs. But if play is withou them then only you have to do it is protect Valpurgius (other model can take a bronze order and get wait status) and the Mage will eventually eliminate the enemy figures. He dont have to move or do anything else - just attack with special abilities. Of course two green dices is not powerfull but for distans end map it enought. Any model get closer will be eliminated by others model - i think wait action will be enought but if it not - always You can activate some other and normally attack.

In other words - Valpurgius sitting i the corner with security will force Your oponent to attack - You decide hov You will welcome his army.

Try it.