Hello all,
my google-fu has failed me, and I can't seem to find any mention anywhere as to how obvious it is when a psyker manifests their power.
Basically last session my GM informed me that he believed it was obvious to all when a psyker used a power (as least as far as he could recall in regards to the 40k universe).
While I'm totally cool with this, it *is* actually gnawing at me as to what it's supposed to be.
I know that detecting a sustained psychic power requires you to be a psyker (unless its manifestation is materially obvious), but I'm unsure as to the effects of a new power.
Slightly annoying, as other RPG's I play tend to be fairly explicit as to what is occurring (generally giving at least a solid basis for working out things). It also restricts a bit of what some of the more...subtle based powers can do (mind reading, glimpse to improve a bluff check *what I was planning to do*)
Again, not too fussed if it is indeed obvious, but I'd really like to be shown the rules or even fluff so I can actually know my limits in more...delicate situations.