Does Bifrost Array work with Mandatory Upgrades?

By Pandonetho, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Initially I thought it would be incredibly overpowered to have Bifrost Array give you an extra click, but now that I think about it I don't think it does because Bifrost Array says that you may give it the "when scored" ability of another agenda and Mandatory Upgrades doesn't have a when scored ability, it's just a constant ability (although technically it only comes into effect "when scored", it doesn't explicitly have that text").

Might be an obvious question but I just wanted to be sure as I'm positive this question will be asked in the future.

Edited by Pandonetho

I wouldn't have thought those two can be combined.

It is probably intended to to work with things like Accelerated Beta Test and Profiteering rather than static ability agendas like Mandatory Upgrades.

Could perhaps be used to recharge an efficiency committee though.

Yeah, that makes sense. I think the most powerful use of Bifrost is probably with Priority Requisition as that is the only Agenda that works with Bifrost which isn't also 3 to score (also corporate war and Project Wotan, but PR has a better scored ability usually).

Edited by Pandonetho

You're correct in your reasoning. ManUp does not say "when you score"; ergo it cannot be the target of Bifrost.

Cards in the current cardpool which can be used:

Accelerated Beta Test

Corporate War

Director Haas' Pet Project

Efficiency Committee

Executive Retreat

Priority Requisition


Project Wotan (thematic at least :P )

Veteran's Program

Bear in mind that BA does not **copy** the text of an agenda, it causes an extant agenda in the score pile to trigger again. ManUp doesn't have any triggered effect.

That's a great way to think about how the card works, I had been using the former logic before!