Crusaders, Regiment, Stuff [P.E.A.C.H.]

Interesting! But I think a Crusader (From the order of the same name) would more properly be an elite advance for a DH2 character.
This seems to have an incredibly high level of starting gear. Also the quality of available power and shock weapons fluctuates through the entry from common to best.
How on earth do you justify these Imperial guardsmen (who are essentially disposable wall of meat) having access to best quality gear on a regiment-wide level?
As for the mods:
I`d change serrated to barbed and lose the edge requirement. Serrated should be a tearing mod if anything like a weaker chainsword. (although chainswords are kind of poorly handled in FFG games so it`d actually end up being stronger.)
The rest are fine they are basicaly just buying a special rule but hey that`s what they are here for.
drop perfect weapon and repulse mod they as just seem to be out of keeping with the setting.
A best quality weapon is by definition perfect and Proven (6) is insane for an upgrade that can be applied to a set of knuckle dusters.
The repulse mod just seems to be a turn-into-thunderhammer module
Interesting! But I think a Crusader (From the order of the same name) would more properly be an elite advance for a DH2 character.
This seems to have an incredibly high level of starting gear. Also the quality of available power and shock weapons fluctuates through the entry from common to best.
How on earth do you justify these Imperial guardsmen (who are essentially disposable wall of meat) having access to best quality gear on a regiment-wide level?
As for the mods:
I`d change serrated to barbed and lose the edge requirement. Serrated should be a tearing mod if anything like a weaker chainsword. (although chainswords are kind of poorly handled in FFG games so it`d actually end up being stronger.)
drop perfect weapon and repulse mod they as just seem to be out of keeping with the setting.
A best quality weapon is by definition perfect and Proven (6) is insane for an upgrade that can be applied to a set of knuckle dusters.
The repulse mod just seems to be a turn-into-thunderhammer module
Don`t misunderstand me, proven melee weapons are fine but it should be a percentage of the weapons damage (20% maybe) rather than such a high a flat value (so you don`t get proven (6) on weapons that do 1d5 damage like the aforementioned knuckledusters.)
Also while a regiment`s homeworld might kit them out in the best they have to offer the munitorum almost definately wouldn`t continue to issue such rare, dificult to acquire high-end gear without a serious incentive.
If it did why do almost all the noble regiments in the fluff have flak armour and lasguns?
Don`t misunderstand me, proven melee weapons are fine but it should be a percentage of the weapons damage (20% maybe) rather than such a high a flat value (so you don`t get proven (6) on weapons that do 1d5 damage like the aforementioned knuckledusters.)

Also while a regiment`s homeworld might kit them out in the best they have to offer the munitorum almost definately wouldn`t continue to issue such rare, dificult to acquire high-end gear without a serious incentive.

If it did why do almost all the noble regiments in the fluff have flak armour and lasguns?
Also do you have any melee weapon mods that you use, or have thought of, to share?
The Jantine patricians are noted as wearing heavy flak armour (but this is Abnett, father of Barbisater the semi-sentient force/power sword so it might be light carapace) also their gear was ony really ever compared to the ghosts who are a lightly equipped scout/recon regiment and have a serious dent in their supply train because their homeworld isn`t there anymore to put their standard gear into the munitorum`s armouries.
In short the Jantines gear was amazing but only when compared to a guy with a lasarbine in a light flak vest who has to accept whatever the munitorum give him because his standard gear is unavailable.
As for weapon mods I tend to invent unique new weapons from the ground up and give them to enemy NPCs (we had a lot of fun with D5 damage dice too because the D10 base doesn`t have enough wiggle room before you start messing with established weapons) rather than modding the group`s existing gear much the group favorites were:
The five barrelled sawnoff shotgun called the meat hammer it was a fantastically heavy. short ranged hand cannon with scatter that did 5D5 impact damage and devoured five shotgun shells per blast and took three full actions to reload.
The toxcryst was a toxic knife made of an unknown orange psychoactive crystal that did 3D5 damage and ignored TB (this was back in DH1) but had a chance of breaking equal to 10xAV of the location it hit, each time it breaks it loses a D5 of damage.
Off the top of my head:
A shock enhancement for a shield seems right (a good reason to make shield attacks too) so would spikes (increasing damage and weight) ablative armour layers would fit nicely. As would specialised types for improved performance against specific damage ypes reflec/ceramite for energy, plasteel for rending, flakweave for impact. (I love making damage types matter.)
If you want to get to weird scifi weapon mixing I seem to recall a swordpistol in the DH1 Inquisitors Handbook but maybe you could do a concussive maul with a deployable monoblade (to stun and stab.)
My personal wishlist as always had a shock sword on it, the most popular killing instrument in human history, present in every other type of melee weapon (power, force, chain, nemesis, phase the list goes on.) and it never got into the shock type? no way.