The rules state that you get to roll a power die for each web token (trying to roll a surge symbol), but can you use your fatigue tokens to get extra dice to try to escape? I had a hero caught up in a web and a couple of spiders kept it's distance far enough to assure that the hero stayed in the web while other creatures repeatedly kill the lone weak Spirite speaker Mok (I think was his name). The game was fun at first but that tactic (clever as it was) made that game no fun. The death f the heros was inevitable.
Use Fatigue Tokens to Escape from web?
You canĀ“t use fatigue to add dice to your web rolls.
Mok should have stayed in town until the webbed hero was free or dead.
It's not overly often that you run into more than one master spider with enough room to repeatedly attack someone. But when it happens, yes it can be a drag. I've seen a house rule that allowed for another hero to use movement points to free someone.
In rtl, you get to add your melee dice to your web roll. We have said you can't use fatigue for this, but I could see some saying that you could. In vanilla, web can be really strong, because it can just keep you there indefinitely until you die. I have spawned bane spider swarms before with the sole purpose of slapping a web token on a high conquest hero so that I could then bring the beastmen or dark priests.
There will be times when the "chance" factor of the game will be really frustrating. When that master ogre blocking your path undies for the 4th straight time, you will be frustrated. When those twin master skeletons who are the leaders of the rtl dungeon level un-die two times apiece, allowing more threat, cards, etc. to be gained by the OL, you will be frustrated. Conversely, when the level leader just can't shake those burn tokens and dies all alone while the heroes hide in town, you will be upset.
Some stuff in this game is just a crapshoot. Sometimes, that's what makes it cool for one side but suck for the other. Web can be one of these things.
Thanks for the feedback.
I did keep Mok in the town for a few turns but the Overlord had no intension of killing my fighter. My fighter had no range weapons, maybe an oversight on my part, but when shoulder to shoulder with Mok it didn't seem to matter. But once the fighter got webbed and Mok died for the first time they were seperated and never joined forces again. So as I sat in town with Mok and the fighter stuck in multiple web tokens the overlord went through his desk spawning monsters. It was obvious at this point that my heroes were done. So I decided to have Mok entered the board and died repeatedly to end the game, which is what happen.
Thass said:
Thanks for the feedback.
I did keep Mok in the town for a few turns but the Overlord had no intension of killing my fighter. My fighter had no range weapons, maybe an oversight on my part, but when shoulder to shoulder with Mok it didn't seem to matter. But once the fighter got webbed and Mok died for the first time they were seperated and never joined forces again. So as I sat in town with Mok and the fighter stuck in multiple web tokens the overlord went through his desk spawning monsters. It was obvious at this point that my heroes were done. So I decided to have Mok entered the board and died repeatedly to end the game, which is what happen.
Heroes can attack each other, time you could have Mok come in and kill the fighter. That being said, winning a game with only two heroes is generally only slightly shy of impossible. Next time, grab at least a ranged character, too. More heroes=more attacks, more spawn points covered, more ability to use the different types of treasures you may gain, more useful skills, etc.
Feanor said:
That being said, winning a game with only two heroes is generally only slightly shy of impossible.
Wow really? That's too bad. If my experience yesterday is pretty common, this game has slipped from my radar screen.
I'll just stick with Talisman...which is totally fine with me.
Thass said:
Feanor said:
That being said, winning a game with only two heroes is generally only slightly shy of impossible.
Wow really? That's too bad. If my experience yesterday is pretty common, this game has slipped from my radar screen.
I'll just stick with Talisman...which is totally fine with me.
Don't let that turn you off from the game. Once you get into the swing of things, its easy to always run 4 Heroes with one person if you want.
I agree about two heroes. It doesn't seem to matter how small the dungeon is.... two heroes get overwhelmed. I'm running the bonus scenario 'cult of 100' tomorrow with one person playing two heroes and myself as OL.
I ran the level the other day on my own, and got owned in the second room. I think with two heroes you really need a house rule or two. For instance, the quest specifies 5 conquest to start. I will put it to 8. Alternatively, you could use the RtL spawn rule, which I think is really great for keeping things moving. You never know, it depends on the level, it depends on the players and so many other variables. Balance is so difficult to achieve.
Try giving players an extra die on all traps (5 or 2 instead of 4 or 1 normally). Seems to help quite a bit with less players (we're trying a 3 player RtL right now - not too bad, and heroes have plenty of loot to go around).