X-Wing Miniatures Inventory Program

By any2cards, in X-Wing

*** NOTE ***

As of 11/12/2016, this spreadsheet will no longer be maintained. It is accurate and complete through the release of Wave 9.

As of 10/27/2019, this spreadsheet was updated with all v1.0 information to make a final version. This work was done by @phizzle .

@phizzle 's final version can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YYktkAd1hkZ33qdodpMXh3Hg4ozD5cz94gi8HSC2VfQ/edit#gid=1147752975

If you are looking for a version of the spreadsheet that can track all of your X-Wing 2.0 investments, check out @Jaden Corr 's excellent work in this post:


The X-Wing Miniatures Inventory Program I have created is an Excel spreadsheet which allows anyone to track their investments in this game. While there are many excellent on-line inventory and squad building programs, I wanted one that allowed me to store the data off-line.

By entering data on the Purchases tab of the spreadsheet, it will automatically fill out the data for all of the other tabs, indicating all of the pieces within your collection.

This spreadsheet currently handles:

  1. Original Core Set ................ X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Game Components
  2. Wave 1 ............................... X-Wing, Y-Wing, TIE Fighter, and TIE Advanced x1 Exps
  3. Accessories 1 ..................... X-Wing Dice Pack
  4. Wave 2 ............................... A-Wing, YT-1300, TIE Interceptor, Firespray-31 Exps
  5. Wave 3 ............................... B-Wing, HWK-290, Lambda Shuttle, TIE Bomber Exps
  6. Iconic Starships 1 ............... Imperial Aces Exp (TIE Interceptor)
  7. Rebel Huge 1 ..................... GR-75 (Rebel Transport) Exp
  8. Rebel Huge 2 ..................... CR90 (Tantive IV Corvette) Exp
  9. Wave 4 ............................... E-Wing, Z-95 Headhunter, TIE Defender, TIE Phantom Exps
  10. Iconic Starships 2 ............... Rebel Aces Exp (A-Wing, B-Wing)
  11. Wave 5 ............................... YT-2400, VT-49 Exps
  12. Wave 6 S&V ....................... StarViper, M3-A Syck Interceptor, IG-2000, Most Wanted Exps
  13. Accessories 2 ..................... Death Star Playmat, Starfield Playmat
  14. Imperial Huge 1 .................. Imperial Raider Exp, Death Star II Playmat
  15. Wave 7 ............................... K-Wing, TIE Punisher, Kihraxz Fighter, Hound's Tooth Exps
  16. Force Awakens Core Set ... T-70 X-Wing, TIE/FO Fighter, Game Components
  17. Imperial Huge 2 .................. Gozanti-Class Cruiser Exp (Imperial Assault Carrier)
  18. Wave 8 Part 1 ..................... T-70 X-Wing, TIE/FO Exps
  19. Accessories 5 ..................... Bespin, Death Star II Playmat
  20. Wave 8 Part 2 ..................... Ghost, Inquisitor's TIE, Mist Hunter, Punishing One
  21. Accessories 4 ..................... Rebel, Imperial, & Scum Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kits
  22. Accessories 3 ..................... Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Purple, & Clear Bases & Pegs
  23. Iconic Starships 3 ............... Imperial Veterans Exp (TIE Bomber, TIE Defender)
  24. Wave 9 ............................... ARC-170, TIE/SF Fighter, Protectorate Starfighter, Shadow Caster

Coming Soon: Iconic Starships 4 ... Heroes of the Resistance Expansion (YT-1300, T-70)

Wave 10 ................. Sabine's TIE Fighter, Upsilon-Class Shuttle, Quadjumper,

U-Wing, TIE Striker Exps

10/09/2014: Added Totals tab which shows totals for ships, cards, tokens, etc.

10/15/2014: Fixed a calculation error with Rookie Pilots (thank you FirstEarth)

10/15/2014: Added EPIC Stats tab (thank you Sergovan)

11/01/2014: Fixed several cell calculations on the Upgrade Page 2 page (thank you Marten)

11/01/2014: Fixes Totals page (thank you segmentvs)

11/02/2014: Added Wave 5 ships (thank you Marten)

11/29/2014: Added Missions for Wave 5 ships

01/24/2015: Corrected A-Wing target lock count (thank you FirstEarth)

Corrected spelling of "Obsidian" (thank you rhs2042)

Merged TIE Advanced X1 into TIE Advanced (thank you to many)

Merged A-Wing, B-Wing, and appropriate Rebel Aces information (thank you to many)

Merged TIE Interceptor and appropriate Imperial Aces information (thank you to many)

03/05/2015: Added Wave 6 S&V ships and Accessories 2

03/06/2015: Added calculations on Purchases page to show MSRP $, Discount $, and Savings $ (thank

or blame NightShrike for this feature).

03/15/2015: Added Print tab at end of all tabs to make printing more condensed (5 pages instead of 14)

and to make it easier to print - you only have to access 1 tab (thanks to frostptbo).

08/29/2015: Added Imperial Huge 1: Imperial Raider

09/03/2015: Added Wave 7 ships

09/24/2015: Added Force Awakens Core Set (Version 16.0)

09/25/2015: Added version # to title bar of Purchase page. Corrected mistake in shield token count for

Imperial Aces (thanks to Jozazmaj) (Version 16.1)

09/26/2015: Correct server mistakes. Added alternative ship names in parentheses as appropriate.

Added "dot" unique indicator for all ship tokens, pilots, and upgrade cards. Rearranged

some of the tabs to make more "linear" sense. Add tabs and information for Damage

Decks and Missions (Version 16.2)

09/28/2015: Changed link to point to folder. Inside the folder is now two files. One for versions of Excel

from 97-2003, and another for Excel from 2004-2013. In addition, I placed the version

number in the file name.

10/26/2015: Added ability to track Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kits. Changed version # to 16.3.

12/30/2015: Added Imperial Huge 2: Gozanti-Class Cruiser, Wave 8 Part 1: T-70 X-Wing, TIE/FO Exps.

Changed version # to 17.0.

01/08/2016: Corrected a mistake with the totals page for T-70s (thanks Ken At Sunrise). Changed version

# to 17.1.

01/15/2016: Added Accessories 5 (Bespin Playmat, Death Star II Playmat). Changed version # to 17.2.

01/23/2016: Modified spreadsheet to be completely unprotected. Changed version # to 17.5.

03/25/2016: Added Wave 8 Part 2: Ghost, Inquisitor's TIE, Mist Hunter, Punishing One

Added Accessories 4: Rebel, Imperial, & Scum Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kits

Changed version # to 18.0.

03/26/2016: Minor spelling modifications (mostly "Scyk"). Changed version # to 18.1.

04/06/2016: Added an Accessories tab to fully identify everything that comes with the various X-Wing

Accessories expansions, making all of the pieces trackable. Changed version # to 18.5.

04/22/2016: Modified Purchases tab to re-organize the various waves, accessories, etc. Add Mods tab

to allow individual additions/subtractions of X-Wing pieces. Changed version # to 19.0.

05/04/2016: Added Waves information to include Imperial Veterans (TIE Bomber, TIE Defender) and

Heroes of the Resistance (YT-1300, T-70). Changed version # to 19.1.

06/02/2016: Added Wave 9 information (ARC-170, Special Forces TIE, Protectorate Starfighter, and

Shadow Caster). Changed version # to 19.2.

07/09/2016: Added Accessories 3 (Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Purple, & Clear Bases & Pegs) information.

Added Iconic Starships 3 (Imperial Veterans Exp (TIE Bomber, TIE Defender)) information.

Changed version # to 19.5.

09/03/2016: Added existence of Wave 9 and Wave 10 expansions. Changed version # to 19.6.

09/26/2016: Added full support for Wave 9. Changed version # to 20.0.

If you have an interest, desire, or need to track your investment in this game, please give it a test drive. If you find any issues, mistakes (all mine), have suggestions, etc., please provide me feedback.

Thank you in advance for any assistance provided.

Here is a link:



As of 10/27/2019, this spreadsheet was updated with all v1.0 information to make a final version. This work was done by @phizzle .

@phizzle 's final version can be found at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YYktkAd1hkZ33qdodpMXh3Hg4ozD5cz94gi8HSC2VfQ/edit#gid=1147752975

If you are looking for a version of the spreadsheet that can track all of your X-Wing 2.0 investments, check out @Jaden Corr 's excellent work in this post:

Edited by any2cards

This spreadsheet has now been updated to reflect all ships through Wave 4. While it notes the existence of Rebel Aces and Wave 5 ships, you cannot yet enter data for them.

The spreadsheet can be found at the link in the original post above. If you have any questions, please ask.

Thank you.. thats awesome! :)


Since your Inventory is write protected i cant change it myself...
Can you please change some of the letters since they will be wrong in the title of the maps.

First Map its now an R-Wing ... change that to X wing using a small X(x) not a capitol...

Hinventory.... change the capitol I to a small i and it will say Inventory...

Kpgrade Cards same procedure... small u and it will be Upgrades.. :)

Thanks again its a great list :)

Edited by TheDarkPilot

Since your Inventory is write protected i cant change it myself...

Can you please change some of the letters since they will be wrong in the title of the maps.

First Map its now an R-Wing ... change that to X wing using a small X(x) not a capitol...

Hinventory.... change the capitol I to a small i and it will say Inventory...

Kpgrade Cards same procedure... small u and it will be Upgrades.. :)

Thanks again its a great list :)

Forgive me, but I don't understand. I have checked everything on the spreadsheet and it is spelled correctly. Not sure what you mean by "in the title of the maps".

I want to make sure I address any short comings, so please help me understand what you are saying.

This post prompted my first post on this forum! Great spreadsheet, and thank you! I was actually working on one myself, but yours is so much better formatted and more complete, so I won't bother continuing, lol.

It might be a problem on my end.. :)

No worries...

I also have the StarWars fonts on my PC.

When i open your inventory list... on the top of the spreadsheet it says (for me)

Star Wars R-Wing Minatures Game Hnventory....

That seems to be a problem with the font.... its about capital letters and small letters...

It also happens to the Upgrade Cards spreadsheet where it says (for me again) Kprade Cards

Totally weird thing tho...

Anyhow i love this Inventory :)

Hey, there again,

sorry to dig out that old Post,

BUT i wanted to know if you made an updated version of that sheet?

I would love to have it if available!

Thank you so much again!

Hey, there again,

sorry to dig out that old Post,

BUT i wanted to know if you made an updated version of that sheet?

I would love to have it if available!

Thank you so much again!

I have not updated it yet with Wave 5 and Rebel Aces, as I have not yet received them. I will do so once I can get my hands on them.

Hi, the Link in the first post is not working any longer.... 404.

Maybe is it possible to re-upload the file, so that other players can download this sheet, too?

Edit: And thanks for this great inventory sheet!!!

Edited by wolftech

Sorry ... I moved the file into a directory. I have updated the link. It should work now.

Thanks a lot... it works.

The inventory program found via the link in the OP above has been brought up to date to address Rebel Aces.

EDIT: Please note that if you have used this in the past, you will notice that many of the additional sheets have been split apart and modified to allow for additional information to be added for future waves, without any single sheet going beyond a single page. Makes it easier for viewing and printing.

Edited by any2cards

I'm not sure why this is needed when both VoidState's Squadron Builder and the X-wing Mission Control both allow you to keep track of your collection.

I'm not sure why this is needed when both VoidState's Squadron Builder and the X-wing Mission Control both allow you to keep track of your collection.

I don't really know why we even need an inventory program...Is there anyone who doesn't know how many of one ship they have?

I'm not sure why this is needed when both VoidState's Squadron Builder and the X-wing Mission Control both allow you to keep track of your collection.

This allows me to keep track of it off-line, and most importantly, it keeps track of all of the items that come with each of the expansions beyond just the ships. When a game comes with as many pieces as this one does, it is nice to know that you have everything you are suppose to have.

Especially when you have invested as much as I have in this game. Obviously, if you feel that you don't need it, then don't use it.

When others found out about what I was using, they asked for access to it. So I provided it.

Edited by any2cards

I'm not sure why this is needed when both VoidState's Squadron Builder and the X-wing Mission Control both allow you to keep track of your collection.

I'm not sure why this is needed when both VoidState's Squadron Builder and the X-wing Mission Control both allow you to keep track of your collection.

I don't really know why we even need an inventory program...Is there anyone who doesn't know how many of one ship they have?

I dont really know why we need your commentary about something you obviously do not care about?

Is there just the pure need for attention speaking, or was there any kind of real critique or conversation in this commentaries?

Do you feel lonely?

I will hug you if needed...

Back to topic...

Thank you so much for the update.

Right away downloaded it.


Cool, thanks for update for the aces!!!

Nice Work, i just took a look at it, and i will have to modefy it a bit to my needs, eg. a Totsl ship Count is missing in my World.

and some other minor details...

Nice Work, i just took a look at it, and i will have to modefy it a bit to my needs, eg. a Totsl ship Count is missing in my World.

and some other minor details...

Care to share? A total ship count is no problem, and certainly makes sense. If you care to share other thoughts, I would be happy to add things that add value - it may even be stuff I would want myself.

EDIT: Also, for everyone using this, please note that I modified the original post in this thread to reflect everything the spreadsheet currently addresses. In addition, in the future, that is where I will make notations as to changes, things coming, etc. The link on the original post will always lead to the latest version of the spreadsheet. This will avoid confusion in the future.

Edited by any2cards

As of now I get 1 of each and only need to track my doubles.

I have everything up to Rebel Aces and will get Wave 5 as soon as it is out.

My doubles are

Core, Tie-Fighter, Y-wing, A-wing, Imperial Aces, Tie-Bomber, and Z-95 Headhunter.

Nice Work, i just took a look at it, and i will have to modefy it a bit to my needs, eg. a Totsl ship Count is missing in my World.

and some other minor details...

Care to share? A total ship count is no problem, and certainly makes sense. If you care to share other thoughts, I would be happy to add things that add value - it may even be stuff I would want myself.

EDIT: Also, for everyone using this, please note that I modified the original post in this thread to reflect everything the spreadsheet currently addresses. In addition, in the future, that is where I will make notations as to changes, things coming, etc. The link on the original post will always lead to the latest version of the spreadsheet. This will avoid confusion in the future.

Have send suggestions to you, but forgot to mention that on Upgrade Cards - Page 1 under Titles "A-Wing Test Pilot" is missing the cost of (0).


I have added a totals tab which shows totals for all ships, cards, tokens, etc.