Next Expansions

By Westonard, in Warhammer: Diskwars

So, I keep a track on other things that Fantasy Flight releases, and given their rapid release of the first expansion for this game, as well as the Wave 4 and Wave 5 ships for X Wing this year, in addition to their two epic ships, Imperial Aces and Rebel Aces expansions for X-wing, I think we might see at least one more set of race expansions for Disk Wars, or if my original theory is correct, they might push for two in Quarter 3, and the last two in Quarter 4, which would allow them to look into things such as Tomb Kings, Ogre Kingdoms, Beastmen, what have you or doing something similar to what they have, and next year release a box expansion that has a two race focus, such as High Elves/Empire units, with Lizardmen, Wood Elves, Dwarves getting the one regiment treatment, to allow them to expand the army lists without going the 10 dollar a race small box expansion for 1 hero, 1 large, 2 medium, 3 small option, which really doesn't fit here.

Individual race expansions may work if they are small boxes that are High Elves or whatever else race wise, paying 15 for one specific race but it would have 2-3 heroes, 2 large, 3-4 medium, 5-6 small disks.

I think that we will not see any new factions in the game before the one-regiment-factions from the recent expansions (Dark Elves, Lizard men) are on regular play-on-its-own level (allowing them to march into the field on their own with two or three regiments). Beside that, I am not sure in which way existing factions from WH will find their way into Disc Wars during future expansion. I would daresay that Beastmen, for example, will be Chaos-affiliated discs and will not stand alone. Same goes for Tomb Kings, already being undead, and ready for being introduced to Vampire armies. And yes, I already know that Tomb Kings and Vampires are different factions in the Old world. But that does not mean that they will be handled like that by FFG.

I would also like the possibility proposed by Westonard, using faction-specific expansions. Altough it would not really matter to me, as I would buy anything, regardless in which way expansions appear...

Edited by Katsuyori

I would love this to be true. I wonder, though, where diskwars stands in the FFG pantheon. X-Wing is churned out non-stop because it has a significantly higher place on the totem pole, and people buy everything out the second that it hits shelves. Diskwars does seem to have a significant backing within the company, though, if their original teaser video is anything to go on, and judging how quickly they popped out these expansions, we can certainly hope to see more by the end of the year.

These speculation threads make me so excited, and then I remember that nothing has actually been announced yet. :(

Oh well, it is still fun to hope and dream!

I've seen Westonard's comments about expansions elsewhere on these forums, and while I didn't really agree a lot with his idea of them, I think they're growing on me.

Using his ideas as a springboard, I'm speculating the next expansions will be another two box deal, Order and Destruction. One of the minor races will be the spotlight, like how Dwarves and Vampires were for this first round. I speculate round two will be Elf heavy, with the Dark and Wood Elves being the highlight of their respective boxes. In addition to those, we'll see a single regiment of the other minor races (Skaven/Lizardmen), a single regiment for each core race, then a couple disks for Dwarves and Vampires since they just had a major release. So the order box might be something like:

Wood Elves: 3 regiments

Lizardmen: 1 regiment

Empire: 1 regiment

High Elf: 1 regiment

Dwarves: <1 regiment

Which could be mirrored in the Destruction box as:

Dark Elves: 3 regiments

Skaven: 1 regiment

Orcs: 1 regiment

Chaos: 1 regiment

Vampire Counts: <1 regiment

I find it very likely FFG will include at least new core race heroes in the next wave. I think the five races on each side is more than enough to handle right now, and I think Katsuyori hit the nail on the head that some races are very likely to be lumped in with others. I'd never expect to see Beastmen as anything other than Chaos disks, for example.

I don't think we'll ever see single race expansions, since it seems to be a better business model to release larger, more expensive expansions that nearly everyone will buy to get what they want out it, i.e. a strictly Orc player might not buy a Chaos-only expansion, but both Orc and Chaos players will buy an expansion that includes both races. I think many Diskwars players are a bit more open-minded about the races they have rather than someone in the miniatures game who typically concentrates on one race only, but splitting up the races makes it easier to create that divide, and ultimately might make the smaller expansions less profitable.

I don't claim to know the best way to go forward with expansions, but as a final thought, I think FFG will concentrate on the races established already before introducing more. I know as a semi-regular Diskwars player I'd be pretty bummed if their next wave of releases didn't bring much new to the table for the minor races (Dark/Wood Elves, Skaven, Lizardmen) since there is ultimately going to be that desire to play them as single-race armies.

At this point, I would love to see new heroes for other races, but with there not being new core race heroes I don't even know what the next big box expansion will do, race wise. While common sense says that if the next one is Dark Elf/Wood Elf, which makes sense to release together, that they would have three heroes, that leaves Dark Elves/Wood Elves with more heroes than the other races, and Lizardmen/Skaven with even more when their turn comes around.

Honestly at this point my speculations are wrong as far as I know, and I am in the wait and see camp until we see the second expansion lists and get a preview of at least one of the featured races.

I could see beastmen being lumped in with Chaos but if Tomb Kings get lumped in with Vampire Counts it will be a massive blunder on FFG's part.

I could see beastmen being lumped in with Chaos but if Tomb Kings get lumped in with Vampire Counts it will be a massive blunder on FFG's part.

I don't think that will happen. Most likely TK will either get their own army, or they will just not be represented. FFG is pretty good about respecting their IP's. More so I'd say that even GW. Besides, there are plenty of units in the VC army to work with, without having to mine the TK army.

At this point, I would love to see new heroes for other races, but with there not being new core race heroes I don't even know what the next big box expansion will do, race wise. While common sense says that if the next one is Dark Elf/Wood Elf, which makes sense to release together, that they would have three heroes, that leaves Dark Elves/Wood Elves with more heroes than the other races, and Lizardmen/Skaven with even more when their turn comes around.

Honestly at this point my speculations are wrong as far as I know, and I am in the wait and see camp until we see the second expansion lists and get a preview of at least one of the featured races.

My guess is that if they continue to focus on a single race in each expansion, those races will get one less hero per expansion than the primary races in these expansions. It's more likely that they will bring each race up to 3 hero's before adding more to any race, in order to keep the balance of hero's close.


They could start adding hero's in the next set of expansions for all the races. As they should have more room in the following expansions, since they no longer have to provide three whole regiments for the races that they focus on. I think when the next expansions come out, you will only see a little over two whole regiments for the focus race, rather than three. If they were to do three, that race would become much more well rounded than any of the existing races, throwing off the game balance.

For me what makes me hesitate about that is that it requires you to buy the other expansions if you want a full Dark Elf/Wood Elf hero and army list. Logically the next expansion should include heroes for everyone, to keep all the races on the same playing field, without requiring people to get the Dwarf/VC expansions OR reprint the heroes.Neither choice necessarily all that appealing to me personally because it would force you to buy expansions you might not want if only one aspect appeals to your, or with the second choice there is no point to release them as solo regiments to begin with as you are getting them in their race expansion.

Honestly the entire situation is so tangled and up in the air, I am going to wait until FFG releases the next race expansions before investing too much brain power speculating :P

With everything being so off-kilter currently, the only thing I can say with almost total certainty is that nothing that has already appeared will be repeated in an expansion. Regardless of how they decide to expand, say, Lizardmen in the future, I imagine Chakax will only be available in Hammer & Hold. Like I said before, it's a good business plan (for FFG, even if we don't like it) to put multiple races in a box to entice as many players to buy it as possible. FFG doesn't seem to be too concerned about some races being more "rounded" than other at any given time, since currently four of them exist simply as a single hero and two units. If down the road some races end up with more heroes or units than others, we'll just have to deal with it, I guess?

Further musing on this subject, I don't think it's unrealistic to think at least core race heroes will be sprinkled into upcoming releases. You absolutely need the core game to play, so if you just picked and choose which expansions you want, you still automatically started with three regiments of core races. So this wave gave us a small and medium for each core race; the next one might be a hero and a large, or a hero and a small, or a small and a large. Point is, core races don't have to grow as quickly as the other races do because they already start off at a numbers advantage. Future expansions will likely give us full regiments of expansion races, and a few reinforcements for the cores. Over multiple expansions, those reinforcements will collectively create additional regiments.

Edited by JBouthietteJr

The 10 races we have now are the same as Warhammer Invasion; which explains the use of the same art across both games.

The 10 races we have now are the same as Warhammer Invasion; which explains the use of the same art across both games.

I really hope they include Ogre Kingdoms

Just got my copies of HaH and LoD yesterday. I haven't played with them yet, hope to do that tomorrow, but all I can say is that they are awesome. If they keep this quality up, I think this game will quickly become the best of it's kind....

Although, there isn't that much competition is there. ;)

Seriously can't wait to try out the Vampire Counts, and I really hope Lizardmen get the focus in the next release.

Just got my copies of HaH and LoD yesterday. I haven't played with them yet, hope to do that tomorrow, but all I can say is that they are awesome. If they keep this quality up, I think this game will quickly become the best of it's kind....

Although, there isn't that much competition is there. ;)

Seriously can't wait to try out the Vampire Counts, and I really hope Lizardmen get the focus in the next release.

Well, it's certainly the best pog-based tactical game in print bar none!

Just got my copies of HaH and LoD yesterday. I haven't played with them yet, hope to do that tomorrow, but all I can say is that they are awesome. If they keep this quality up, I think this game will quickly become the best of it's kind....

Although, there isn't that much competition is there. ;)

Seriously can't wait to try out the Vampire Counts, and I really hope Lizardmen get the focus in the next release.

Well, it's certainly the best pog-based tactical game in print bar none!

Har, har, har... I haven't heard that one yet. ;)