Ogryn Drop troopers

By thenewguy, in Only War

Ok guys hears the thing i have been looking over the books and there a lot on ogryns in them so im thinking of making a ogryn drop trooper regiment now im wondering how to justify the ogryns jumping out of a plain and not going splat. they could have special jump packs/grave chute and also be but even then there very heavy so what are your ideas?

My group made Ogryn drop cavalry. The simple answer is that the ogryns are sedated and pushed out of the ship in a cannister similar to the one used to drop over heavy equipment.

A special drop pod of some description (not as advanced as a Space Marines obviously) designed for their size to hurl them onto the planet below in a controlled descent. Perhaps it's a unique item manufactured by the humans living on their world? One problem would be getting even sedated Ogryn's into a space that size.

I love Cail's explanation, but at the end of the day, it's not really any more complicated than regular drop troops. Strap Grav-Chutes onto them.

Grav-Chutes with an integrated Vox-Caster, remembering them, that they are doing this for the emperor.^^

An Orgyn Drop Troop regiment's moto has to be "We fall 'ard!"

The biggest challenge is getting the in the drop pod. Yeah i don't want to fight a squad of airsick ogryns that have just crashed on my bunker.

How about Ogryn Roughriders? obviously they are gonna flatten some poor horse, but a grox/Ursir/Ucernox or some other tough xeno beast should be able to carry them. Man, I'd run if i saw that comming towards me.

"Wot "great-uhr-gud" mean? ME SMASH YOU!"