I already have a Star Wars card game from Fantasy Flight. Do I need another one?
I'm not feeling like I do.
Am I alone in this?
I already have a Star Wars card game from Fantasy Flight. Do I need another one?
I'm not feeling like I do.
Am I alone in this?
I also have that card game. Haven't played it, don't plan to. The rpg and X-Wing have me covered. This is a strange move from FFG.
I'm not interested in this at all. My attention is focused almost solely on Star Wars: The Card Game. I also have X-Wing Miniatures, but my love for SWTCG or SWLCG if you prefer, trumps all other tabletop games.
It's a bit of an odd move to come out with another card game based on Star Wars not even 2 years after their first. What would make me, as a consumer that enjoys FFG's first Star Wars card game interested enough to get this new one that seems to be (more or less) a trick playing, resource management game? This game seems less like a competitive game they will continue to support for years. It feels like this is going to be a game sold in a box and nothing else will be introduced into its product line.
Edited by GroggyGolemYes, I agree with GroggyGolem, this is likely to be the "light," self-contained version of the Star Wars card game for more casual gamers, like the HBO Game of Thrones card game by FFG is to the Game of Thrones LCG.
I have both the HBO Game of Thrones and core and deluxe expansions of the Game of Thrones LCG and enjoy both for different reasons; I also have The Lord of the Rings LCG. I don't see myself picking up a third LCG at the moment, but could definitely see myself picking this new Star Wars card game up to test the waters of a Star Wars card game… might be more girlfriend friendly (as the HBO version of GoT is)!
Yeah, I was very confused by this announcement.
I play Star Wars LCG, Star Wars CCG and Star Wars X-Wing. When I first saw the image, I thought: "Cool, another big box for the LCG, seems very soonish though... "
Then I realised, this is a new product, that has nothing to do with the LCG or the CCG.
I won't be investing in this, and lately the products that have been announced lately feels like over production on the part of FFG. None of them have caught my interest, and as many companies before them, it seems they're about to neglect their staple products in favor of their popular existing products.
CCP (Eve-online) made this mistake and are now paying dearly for years to come for this.
Yeah, I was hoping for Starwars: Battlelore!
Doesn't the HB
Yes, I agree with GroggyGolem, this is likely to be the "light," self-contained version of the Star Wars card game for more casual gamers, like the HBO Game of Thrones card game by FFG is to the Game of Thrones LCG.
I have both the HBO Game of Thrones and core and deluxe expansions of the Game of Thrones LCG and enjoy both for different reasons; I also have The Lord of the Rings LCG. I don't see myself picking up a third LCG at the moment, but could definitely see myself picking this new Star Wars card game up to test the waters of a Star Wars card game… might be more girlfriend friendly (as the HBO version of GoT is)!
Doesn't the HBO Game of Thrones card game use basically the same mechanics as the LCG, though?
If that's what this was, I would understand, but this appears to be an entirely different game that shares nothing at all with the LCG in terms of mechanics. It feels like it's own thing.
The main issue that I have is that it's yet another a two-player competitive Star Wars card game. That niche is already filled, I feel like, The opportunity here was to make a multi-player or co-operative card game, even if it was just a one-off with no planned expansions.
Edited by VenthracDoesn't the HB
Yes, I agree with GroggyGolem, this is likely to be the "light," self-contained version of the Star Wars card game for more casual gamers, like the HBO Game of Thrones card game by FFG is to the Game of Thrones LCG.
I have both the HBO Game of Thrones and core and deluxe expansions of the Game of Thrones LCG and enjoy both for different reasons; I also have The Lord of the Rings LCG. I don't see myself picking up a third LCG at the moment, but could definitely see myself picking this new Star Wars card game up to test the waters of a Star Wars card game… might be more girlfriend friendly (as the HBO version of GoT is)!
Doesn't the HBO Game of Thrones card game use basically the same mechanics as the LCG, though?
If that's what this was, I would understand, but this appears to be an entirely different game that shares nothing at all with the LCG in terms of mechanics. It feels like it's own thing.
Yes, you're right about the similarities in the mechanics between the two Game of Thrones card games. I didn't realize that this new game is so different rules-wise from the Star Wars LCG.
Still, as someone who is not presently interested in investing (at the moment) in a third LCG, I may give it a try.
It's Star Wars we never have enough games of this saga, and if it have a good playability, it will be welcome with the community of gamers, so it's only to have a good sense of oportunity of get the renew fashion of Star Wars, greettings.
As I posted in another thread, my biggest disappointment is that this was not the release of the co-op card game that they originally developed.
Having said that, I'm glad they released this, because SW:LCG was just not a hit in my gaming group. I bought two cores and everything else up to Balance of the Force. The fact that it is only two player (mostly, I'm aware Balance of the Force introduces multiplayer scenarios), requires deckbuilding (even with the easier pod deckbuilding), and is a LCG made it a dud with my group. They also weren't thrilled by some of the mechanisms. I thought the Star Wars theme might get my group to look past the LCG and deckbuilding aspects, but it did not. I'm glad a non-LCG card game is being released so I have at least one Star Wars card game that I can just break and and play (not worry about deck contruction, etc.).
FWIW my group LOVES the LOTR LCG and would DEVOUR a Star Wars cooperative game.
It's only the beginig, we need to wait to FFG deploys all the ideas for games that havs, greettings.
The target audience is maybe someone like me; someone who doesn't want to get into the money-pit that is the LCG but would welcome a quick, 2-player Star Wars card game.
The target audience is maybe someone like me; someone who doesn't want to get into the money-pit that is the LCG but would welcome a quick, 2-player Star Wars card game.
Due to my other FFG purchasing plans (SW RPG, X-Wing, Armada, and Imperial Assault), I don't have money for the LCG.
I'm also not a huge fan of ever evolving card games. I like the LCG format better than blind booster formats of other CGs, but I just don't get into them like I used to.
However, this is a different animal all together. 1 self contained item that scratches that itch, but is simple and easy enough to get into and out of quickly.
For someone already neck deep in the LCG, I doubt it's really aimed at you.
I picked mine up at GenCon. It's a great teaching tool for my 2 year old. It teaches math, reading, game strategy, and oh yeah - Star Wars.
I am up to date on the LCG but mostly just bought it in the hopes I'd play it with other people one day but that ship sailed with the release of Warhammer conquest and the pending imperial assault.
Yeah, i'm with the OP, I tought about it, but I'm already playing several LCGS as is.
How many diffrent game types with the star wars licence does FF have?
RPGs, LCGs, miniature games, Board games... All we need is a dice game!
How about a reskin of Age of War? (Age of Star Wars?
I actually don't think they have a license to do board games (that don't involve miniatures).
Sounds like I'll be the first to say that I am a Star Wars LCG enthusiast but I am also super excited for this game. I have this on order with my Between the Shadows pre-order and the rest of the Echoes of the Force cycle Force packs that I haven't picked up yet.
They're completely different games and I think I'll always have room for one more Star Wars game.
"You're a feisty little [game] but you'll soon [earn] some respect. I have need for you [in the master's game collection] and I think you'll fill in nicely."
-My personal EV-9D9