SW LCG + CoC + GoT + Blackjack?

By Saint7x, in Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion

I don't mean to sound negative (I'm not, the more card games the merrier) but I'm getting huge flashing signs of combining and cherry picking from some of your best LCGs here to form this new card game.

You're managing your resources that your cards provide (SW LCG's resources or GoT's gold), you're fighting over a strategic event card (CoC Story Cards or Warhammer 40K Planets), by competing in four struggles (CoC's four struggles or GoT's three challenges) in order not to bust the objective value (Blackjack).

Is anybody else getting this vibe?

Honestly, it just sounds lame to me. I assume it probably meant to be mass marketed. I see this showing up at Target soon. Something simple for the kids. I'm out, but I totally understand the business strategy behind it. More power to FFG.

Look, I'm one of the looneys who still plays the Decipher card game, so every time I see a new card game announced that isn't a revival of the old game, it just hurts.


Here is the game you should be looking at. This is a retheming of an old slightly successful game. FFG did the same with Game of Thrones: Intrigue recently. The original game doesn't deserve be mentioned in the same breath as the new LCGs.

I was hoping FFG would make a board game before they made another card game for star wars

I was hoping FFG would make a board game before they made another card game for star wars

Hasbro still holds the rights to SW board games, unfortunately.

I'll give this a miss. The rpg and X-Wing are enough for me!

What hits me is it is a two player game. You already have a two player star wars card game. I guess this supposed to ****** up all the I don't want to buy into a lcg players.


Here is the game you should be looking at. This is a retheming of an old slightly successful game. FFG did the same with Game of Thrones: Intrigue recently. The original game doesn't deserve be mentioned in the same breath as the new LCGs.

We need the Decipher version of Star Wars to be reborn as an LCG. That's what we need.

I have a feeling that this is just a stand alone game, kind of like the old game decipher introduced around the release of the Phantom Menace. We will probably see some kind of expansion and a main set released with every new Star Wars film. (Anyone else been wondering how they will cross market with Episode 7 and the Stand Alone films while waiting for the new characters, events and locations make there way through play testing for the LCG)

I agree, we don't need another 2 player Star Wars card game. A party game, something simple that a group of friends can play while chatting would be excellent. Nothing super fancy, just something fun and fast paced.

We need the Decipher version of Star Wars to be reborn as an LCG. That's what we need.

This. I am excited that the images are from the movie ...

We need the Decipher version of Star Wars to be reborn as an LCG. That's what we need.

This. I am excited that the images are from the movie ...

Not in my view. I prefer artwork, screen shots from movies make a game look cheesy.