This thread could go into 2 different areas, the GM area or here, I decided to put it here.
So the story. I have been running my deathwatch game for about a year and a half. I have 3 players. 2 marines, and imperial arbite from dark heresy. We were originally going to have a 4th but scheduling conflicts stopped him from ever joining.
Well I have a friend who has inquired about playing. And getting a new player would help the group out a lot. He knows of 40k as he's a gamer, but not much about the world lore or history. However he is the type of gamer that never wants to play something that's more ordinary. I have had him game with us in the past and he's always looking to build a character that doesn't fit into the rules or normal lore. Even when he is not that familiar with the lore. He also uses that as an excuse as to why he doesn't want to make something that is available. Because he doesn't know it. He has a long gaming history in Rifts... Which has the whole kitchen sink mentality or play anyone you want.
So when we started discussing the topic of him playing and talking about what was available and some of the background of 40k and space marine chapters. He didn't even want to hear about the chapters that were in the books, and instead was curious if he could belong to a chapter that was wiped out. Like stuck in a cryosleep or some such. One from thousands of years earlier. I explained to him it was possible, and explained the different foundings some to him, and explained how different chapters would all still hail from the first primary chapters and still have genetic traits and traditions that were on par with them in some ways.
The next time we spoke he brought that up about fighting styles of different chapters. So we spoke about it. And then he asked me were their any chapters that used teleporting tactics and he used night crawler from Xmen as an example. I explained teleporting in 40k is pretty innacurrate, and risky. That I know on the table top that librarians had a teleport ability I wasn't sure in deathwatch as we don't have a librarian. He wasn't interested in hearing about librarians he was more like technology based teleporting. I told him about terminators, but it was not exact or precise. But normal marines not that I was aware of.
So after we got off the phone that time. I then recalled Grey Knight interceptors and their shunt packs. Sigh.... So this is what he wants, a chapter of marines that used rapid hit and runs with teleporers. A crusade chapter that waslost thousands of years ago. With him being found somehow as the only survivor. So what to do, what to do?
So the 2 questions
1. As a GM what would you do in a situation like this. I mean it is plausible for a chapter like this to have existed with older tech especially. If I do allow it his chapter will probably be based off of the imperial fists. As I see this as a good siege tactic.
2...shunt packs? How would you handle them. Are their official rules that have been printed? If so where?if note, has any one come up with some house rules? If not, anyone interested in discussing them now?
Thanks and sorry for the long post. I will probably come back and edit mistakes. As this was typed very fast when. I had limited time.
Edited by computertrucker