I have several questions. Any help is appreciated.
From my previous posts, I take it that after the dice are rolled, the steps proceed as follows:
- terror effects
- spell cards
- discard die
- focus or assist
Please let me know if this is incorrect.
1. Spell cards which secure dice are played after the terror effect goes off. Can spells like Voice of Ra be played before the terror effect is determined so as to change a terror die and avoid triggering that effect?
2. I have two dice left in my dice pool. I roll them and fail the task. Can I then use a spell which would secure those two dice - which would mean I would have nothing to discard - continue on with my turn, remove the two dice, reroll them and complete the adventure? Essentially can a spell card be used to get around the die discard phase?
3. I am on an adventure card with a monster. I roll the dice, fail to complete any tasks, but then play the Bind Monster spell to defeat the monster. Do I still need to discard a die, or does the monster count as a completed task?
4. Similar question, can I use the Bind Monster spell on a monster that is on a different adventure card than my investigator? And if so, does that still count as a successfully completed task, assuming it counts in the above scenario?
5. Can you add and roll the red/yellow dice at any point in your turn? Or do they have to be added before rolling the green dice? For instance, I roll the green dice, don't like my results, can I play an item to give me red/yellow/both at that point to allow me to roll the new dice to add to my results before determining if a task has been completed?
I feel I have been very wordy. Please let me know if any clarification is needed.
Edited by DreDrew82