Usage of Soulbiter in "The Black Blade"

By ninjaneer2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Here are some questions about Soulbiter in Quest 7, "The Black Blade", from the Descent base game:

1) The quest says that soulbiter starts out as a melee weapon, though the card describes it as a ranged weapon and uses the ranged attack die. There is no mention of Soulbiter ever changing to be used as a ranged weapon. Does that mean it is always treated as a melee that uses the slightly weaker ranged attack die during that quest? And is it used as a ranged weapon for other quests (if any use it)?

2) The quest text says that it deals damage at the end of its weilder's turn if it isn't used to deal a killing blow. If player A hands Soulbiter off to player B who has already taken their turn (assuming they have the space to carry it) without having dealt a killing blow, then who takes the damage? Our initial ruling was that nobody takes the damage because player A is no longer wielding it at the end of their turn, player B has already taken their turn, and the hefty cost of 4 movement points to hand if off handicaps player A so they can't do much else. Thoughts?

1. This looks like an error; the way the quest text says that it " begins as a melee weapon" suggests it is supposed to change at some point, but you seem to be correct that they never said when it should change. I'd hazard when all the seals are broken and it gets its special ability, but that's pure conjecture. I'm pretty sure this relic isn't used in any other official quests.

2. I agree with your interpretation; you only suffer wounds if you end your turn with Soulbiter in your possession. The fact that they have a huge, unprecedented cost for giving it to another hero suggests that that's supposed to be the penalty for dodging the damage.

Antistone said:

1. This looks like an error; the way the quest text says that it " begins as a melee weapon" suggests it is supposed to change at some point, but you seem to be correct that they never said when it should change. I'd hazard when all the seals are broken and it gets its special ability, but that's pure conjecture. I'm pretty sure this relic isn't used in any other official quests.

I seem to remember this being the case as well.

1) This had been clarified in the old old forum. If I recall it correctly, the weapon changes to Ranged after the first seal was broken. Could be after the second, though, I would have to check the map. Maybe one of the other oldtimers care to weigh in here?

2) The wielder is in my opinion defined as the one who has it at the start of his turn. So, regardless of A giving it away, he still would suffer the damage at the end of his turn. Everything else to avoid the damage I would call "cheesy" at the least. No official ruling, though.