So in a game I'm currently running there are three players. I made a different character Prime on the mission hoping to put a bit of the spotlight on him instead of another player who has a very...powerful and demanding personality.
Essentially he's taken over much of the procession of the adventure so far merely asking permission of the Prime. Regardless that's not my issue, I can get through what I need to and it can be dealt with.
What I need help with is how to get his character to understand, in no pleasant terms, that he's an acolyte. His power is fleeting, even more so since he isn't Prime, or at least wasn't.
He'll certainly get a talking to by his inquisitor. As will the prime for letting himself get rolled over. He's a legate investigator so I think for the next mission I'll have that authority removed. Anyone else have any suggestions on making sure the character understands, and trying to blunt the impact the player might take as a slight?