How I did It: Lighting a YT-1300

By TonyRockyHorror, in X-Wing

Looks awesome, great mod!


Resistors weren't needed in this circuit as both the LEDs and the battery are 3 volt.

In case people buy LEDs from somewhere else... You should ALWAYS put a resistor in series with your LEDs. Especially if you're putting multiple LEDs in parallel - and even moreso if these LEDs are not the same model.

Turns out, in OP's case, the LEDs he bought come pre-packaged with a resistor . That's what the bulge is along the left wires coming out of the LEDs.


I could tell you guys how to determine the correct value for the resistor - and it's really quite simple - but I'm sure there are many tutorials online that go into this.

Edited by Klutz

I'd like to consider myself a fairly proficient modeller, but there's absolutely no way I would want to carve up an assembled model to install lighting. Start with a kitset and I'm up for it. It takes a brave soul to do this and get it right, and TonyRockyHorror, I think the results speak for themselves. Truly awesome job. :)

Resistors weren't needed in this circuit as both the LEDs and the battery are 3 volt.

In case people buy LEDs from somewhere else... You should ALWAYS put a resistor in series with your LEDs. Especially if you're putting multiple LEDs in parallel - and even moreso if these LEDs are not the same model.

Turns out, in OP's case, the LEDs he bought come pre-packaged with a resistor . That's what the bulge is along the left wires coming out of the LEDs.


I could tell you guys how to determine the correct value for the resistor - and it's really quite simple - but I'm sure there are many tutorials online that go into this.

That is a clarification I will definitely make in the article. I proofread it at like 1am last night. :( I should have said no addtional resistors :( . Thanks for pointing that out! was thinking of trying this but am hesitant on cutting the ship up for battery placement!! was thinking of trying this but am hesitant on cutting the ship up for battery placement!!

Someone else did this, but it requires a transformer, which means that the ship buzzes...

Cutting the ship isn't that bad. I ended up making pillars of greenstuff with magnets to reattach the panel.

Nice, I keep telling my friend to paint the engine on his falcon this is a cool mod but a bit beyond our expertise.

I have dabbled with electric lights in some of my bigger models (Much bigger, like Titan bigger) but nothing close to this level of sophistication. I'm really impressed and I find you step by step guide to be very informative. For instance, I've always wondered how to get an even spread of light from LEDs and your simple solution is almost genius. My hat off for you, sir!

I have dabbled with electric lights in some of my bigger models (Much bigger, like Titan bigger) but nothing close to this level of sophistication. I'm really impressed and I find you step by step guide to be very informative. For instance, I've always wondered how to get an even spread of light from LEDs and your simple solution is almost genius. My hat off for you, sir!

There are plenty of ways to do this, but they pretty much all come down to using some sort of material as a diffuser. In my post about my falcon, I went through two different methods I used, one incorporated the LEDs into the hot glue, which allowed me to blend the blue + teal. Another used a milk carton and a single LED that was hidden from direct view so you don't get the "hot spot"

I have dabbled with electric lights in some of my bigger models (Much bigger, like Titan bigger) but nothing close to this level of sophistication. I'm really impressed and I find you step by step guide to be very informative. For instance, I've always wondered how to get an even spread of light from LEDs and your simple solution is almost genius. My hat off for you, sir!

There are plenty of ways to do this, but they pretty much all come down to using some sort of material as a diffuser. In my post about my falcon, I went through two different methods I used, one incorporated the LEDs into the hot glue, which allowed me to blend the blue + teal. Another used a milk carton and a single LED that was hidden from direct view so you don't get the "hot spot"

Indeed. Lots of ways to do it. I just happened to have hot glue sticks handy! I like the idea of using green stuff for the magnet pillars. I just bought by first package of Green Stuff, so I'm going to try that out for securing my hatch.

might just go low tec and use florescent paint and a black light in the background!!!

How much would you charge to do this?