RTL Final Battle and Monster upgrades

By Yodabear, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Not that this is necessarily super-relevant, given what's been seen/said about final battles, but I was wondering about something:

I know in either the GLoAQ or the FAQ it was clarified that when campaign reaches the final battle, not only do the heroes get one week to train, but also the OL gets to buy one last upgrade. What I wondering about is this: At the gold level of the campaign, the OL can have all monster categories at gold and one at diamond. Once you hit 600 CP, you aren't at gold any more. I know it's called the final battle, but this might be considered the "diamond" level of the campaign. If the OL has one category at gold and one at diamond and enough XP to pay for it, could he upgrade a second category to diamond?

I.E. if I'm the Titan with Diamond humanoids and Gold Beasts and I have 30 xp before the heroes are about to enter my keep, can I upgrade my beasts to diamond. I know there's no official ruling for this, and I would say that FFG probably never intended for 2 types to be diamond, but...it certainly makes it seem more likely that you will get a good amount of CP in the final dungeon to get some extra wounds for your Avatar and give him maybe a little bit more of a chance...?

I think I might allow it, but would be curious as to the thoughts of others who've had more experience with Gold campaigns and the final battle. It's seems like a lot of XP to spend for only one dungeon, but since it's the only dungeon left, why not hit 'em with every thing you've got?

This very idea was proposed recently on the BGG forums.

My opinion then (and it is the same now) is that this would be a very insignificant change. Since the only purpose of conquest in the final Keep is to buff your Avatar, you have to consider how much MORE CT are you going to gain by upgrading a non-primary monster category (so presumably one that you don't plan to emphasize with your spawns, your monster builds and your treachery) versus not doing so. Is it 5? 10? 20? Not more than 10 in my opinion, and probably less. 10 CT gives your Avatar only 20 wounds in the rules as written. The Toughened upgrade gives you 15. And it only costs 5 conquest. Sure there's nothing else to spend your CT on at that point, but the point is I can't see it helping very much at all compared to any of the upgrades that buff your Avatar directly.

And since the Avatar doesn't have a chance right now, an insignificant boost to his chances is an insignificant change.

I agree. If an OL really wants to buy it, it's certainly not going to break the balance (lol) of the OL's keep or anything.