Make Your Own Luck

By MacRauri, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

This came up in a game yesterday: is the interrupt at the beginning of a force struggle after or before units are committed to the force?

Force Phase [page 14]

The Force phase consists of the following two steps, always taken in this order:
1. Force Commitment
2. Force Struggle


That means after any units are committed to the Force, but before the Force struggle is resolved / decided. The player cannot elect to commit another unit after suffering the effects of Make Your Own Luck, because you've moved on to the second step of the phase.

cool, thanks.

I should really have a pdf or something with me of these phases

cool, thanks.

I should really have a pdf or something with me of these phases

I always have the Core Rules with me on my tablet. All Phases (with action windows) are on there on the two penultimate pages.

I also have the FAQ and Multiplayer rules with me for ease of reference as well.

I tried on my smartphone but visibility was iffy.

Does your committed unit have to be ready for the Force struggle for Make Your Own Luck to apply? Can you put it on an exhausted unit, basically changing it from 0 to 3?

It adds force icons to the unit. You can add those to an exhausted unit, but exhausted units don't add their force icons to the force struggle so it won't help.