Advice for new player

By rfisha, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

I am about to play with a group for the first time. Can anyone reccommend some stragies to get me up to par?

What houses are the best to play? How should I build my army? What is the best approach to take over territory? What other strategies do you reccommend?

Lannister and Greyjoy are a bit difficult to play, as they are often locked in mortal combat from the first turn. Stark and Baratheon usually have it a bit easier.

Always be sure to consolidate power. Never be caught low on power when Clash of Kings comes up.

Make an alliance with the player on the other side of your neighbor, and gang up on the guy in between (Stark/Martell against Baratheon, Baratheon/Tyrell against Martell, etc).

Thanks kauai1964, will try to aim for those houses

Do not underestimate the value of ships. They give you a much greater range to move (via ship transport) and they are a huge advantage with support.

Good Luck!


Unlike other war games where supply is abstracted and always plentiful, provided you can trace a line to its source, AGoT uses a clever mechanic in which the number of land area containing Barrels dictate the level of supply for all of your armies. You can win some early "victories" claiming lands with Barrels , but it only has real purpose when one of the Supply cards is revealed. In addition, you will not have large armies anywhere on the map due to the constraints of Supply . While this is not 'a' House strategy, it applies to any House you control. Good luck!



Awesome, thanks for the tips! Interesting point about the ships, I usually tend to stick to land in these games. With a limited supply of troops, is it wise to control the seas, or better just to have a couple to move troops around?


If you only have one ship, cherish it, as it will make moving to many places quite easy, and your ability to support land attacks is great. As far as "controlling" the seas...unless you have the ability to build a 2-3 ship army (fleet), I wouldn't try to reach parity with the island Houses ( Greyjoy and Baratheon ).

