Accuracy, Hell and Damnation.

By Boaventura, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Greetings worshippers of the Emperor, Xeno lovers and Chaos cultists.

Ahem, I have some questions about accuracy, and the psychic phenomena.

Recently a player got not only two pistol-wielding, but two different guns that had accuracy on their description, the duel laspistol and the special revolver only made in Gunmetal city.

If he wields both and aims with both, each shot has a different extra damage from accuracy?

What if he used Dual Shot? (And yes, Dual shot permits being aimed before being used)

And what if his weapon is, instead of a pistol, he used a weapon with either a Storm or Twin-Linked? Technically is still a gun being used in a single shot maneuver,

And lastly but not less importantly, at the Psychic Phenomena chart... Should I toss a 1d100 or a 1d10 when the Warp hits the fan? I use a 1d100, but just to be sure that I ask.

Also, is there no limits to how much a psyker can use his powers? (Besides the obvious one power per round, ignoring the sustained powers.)

And lastly but not less importantly, at the Psychic Phenomena chart... Should I toss a 1d100 or a 1d10 when the Warp hits the fan? I use a 1d100, but just to be sure that I ask.

Also, is there no limits to how much a psyker can use his powers? (Besides the obvious one power per round, ignoring the sustained powers.)

Psyker player here.

Yes, you should roll a d100. I imagine it would be rather difficult to roll a 57 on a D10, for example.

And no, Psykers are free to spam their powers left right and center if they want, with no discernible limit, save the moment they accidentally summon a daemon into existence and it eats their face and/or an angry mob with pitchforks show up to burn the witch.

Edited by ColArana

About the Question with Accuracy: In the Basic Version, it confers only a +10 When used together with the Aim-Action, and even with the Errata-Version, Pistols don't benefit from the extra-damage, cause even from only barely calculating the numbers, it'd be broken as hell.

The Damage-Bonus also applies without specifically using a half/full aim, hope that helped :)

No, you must have aimed to get extra damage.


No, you must have aimed to get extra damage.


Oh, indeed. So much about "being helpful" and "reading the rules correctly" -____-

Nobody can remember everything correctly, that's what the forum is for.


Hmmm, re-reading the description, only a basic weapon with accurate quality would benefit from the extra damage, weird, but still, what if said basic weapon is either twin-linked or have the storm quality? For all senses, it's an extra shot while still being a single-shot... Extra damage for both shots? For a single one?

Though, just out of curiosity, why can't a pistol weapon receive the extra damage? Or for example, a mounted lascannon? (Lascannons are after all meant to be accurate against big targets like tanks or heavy infantry...)

I am still considering that all Heavy Weapons should count as Inaccurate against targets up to Normal size. And for targets larger than Hulking, yes, one could add the extra damage. Even without Accurate weapon quality! It's like sniping (if firing SS)!

I wouldn't add the extra damage to more than one damage roll though.


Lukily, there are no Twin-Linked/Storm Weapons with the Accurate quality and I think it'd be a bit... ridiculous?

Pistols not being able to get the Extra-Damage... probably done to prevent the exact problem that started this thread... and a Dual-Shot with a pair of Carnodons loaded with Body-Blower... bringing pain. Lots of it in fact. Damage-wise it'd laugh in the face of a Sniper Rifle... Heck, even in that of a Las-Cannon.

For the record, I rule +1d10 for 3 DoS and +2d10 for 6 DoS. Because in my view the extra damage should primarily apply in sniping situations. And then bonuses tend to add up quickly, causing you to max out at +60 most of the time.
