A series of ruby scripts for dice shenanigans. The first one is a dice probability calculator, which allows you to find the probability of getting any symbol, including the probability of reaching a specific target number of symbols. Ever wondered what the probability of success on your most rolled dice set was? Or how easy it was to get multiple advantages? You can use this tool to find out! .. Barring any bugs that you may find, since I was using it to learn Ruby. Please let me know if you find any!
The second one is just another Die Roller Script. Boring, no? Well, yeah, but since I made the probability generator, it seems almost callous to NOT make a roller.
You can find both of these, and how to use them, at:
Change Log:
- Changed the script so you can see the probability of reaching a certain target success and advantage.
- Despair and Triumph probabilities are added, but not to the specific probability view. Too sparse.
- Added Failure and Threat to target functionality.
- Added a Dice Roller Script to the GitHub.
- Changed Algorithm: Now runs much faster.
- Target functionality now includes Triumph and Despair. You can now check dice pools against Triumph targets! Rejoice for your crits!
- Group Target Functionality added: create a set of Success/Advantage/Triumph targets, and it will output the probability of it hitting at least one of those. Now you can figure out your crit probability based off both triumphs and advantages!
(Original Text of original post.)
Hey! Did you ever wonder what the probability of a specific dice pool was? ... Okay, maybe that's an odd thing to wonder. Regardless, I made a Ruby Script for doing so, giving the probabilities for each specific set of Success, Advantage, Failure and Threat.
Also made a spreadsheet of all the Ability/Proficiency Dice pools success and advantage rates, up to 6 dice, which... is kind of useful? What's the point of knowing the percentages if they aren't connected to any other, more negative dice?
If neither of those interest you, here are a couple probabilities for a few average dice pools.
PAADD: 65.08% Success Rate
PPADDS: 61.83% Success Rate
PPACD: 65.82% Success Rate
PPADD: 70.04% Success Rate
PPPDD: 74.55% Success Rate
PPADDB: 75.86% Success Rate
Edited: Changed these %'s since my logic was wrong in the script. Thanks Knowles and Zach!