Greatjon commit ability question

By gen Zelgius, in Battles of Westeros


can anyone help with The Greatjon commit ability?

Last night I played with a friend and argued 30 minutes about that:

I have 3 units next to the Great Jon Umber:

Two red infantry units and one blue infantry. Dies result are red, valor, morale and 2 green.

After he flips the card what will happen, which units take damage:

a) All red units take hits because of the one red die, blue unit because of the valor, and all units retreat one hex

b) One red and blue, or two red units because red die and valor, and one unit / target unit/ retreat one hex

Mind posting the text on Greatjon's card? Don't have the game with me, and it's too a long time to go by memory

This seems pretty straight forward.

Here is what the card says:

Flip this card if Greatjon's unit rolls at least three different die results during an attack. All enemy units adjacent to Greatjon's unit take damage based on the die results instead of just the target unit and none can counterattack.

You had two red units and one blue unit adjacent.

Die results were a red, valor, morale, and two green (not sure how you got 5 dice, but whatever).

The die results would be applied to all 3 adjacent units. Red units (assuming they're not cavalry) would take two hits (one red and one valor) and retreat (assuming they aren't stalwart) while blue unit would take a hit from the valor (assuming it's not cavalry) and retreat (assuming it's not stalwart).

wel, lets get started

this is based on the rules and the FAQ

"Q. Does the Greatjon’s “The Greatjon” commit

ability also apply morale results to all adjacent units?
A. No; morale results are not considered damage."
from this you know 2 things: 1) morale results don't do anything
and 2) it is to all
this may look overpowerd but this means in your example :" Two red infantry units and one blue infantry. Dies result are red, valor, morale and 2 green."
this wil kill 2 red infantery in each group (unless they have heavy armor then each loses 1 because of the ignore valor) and 1 infantery in the blue group.
if they are in a building or have toughness or cover this will ignore 1 extra hit
bare in mind that your friend rolled lucky!
and that stark has better commander abilities, lanister has better tactics on the card (in comparensen to how many times you use those commanders in the base game scenario's)

Thanx to all