I don't know if this has been answered before.
I don't know if this has been answered before.
Also another shameless plug to get this topic pinned. Perhaps I should message someone.
Message the webmaster.
Woot, it's pinned!
Yeah. Took 2P51's suggestion and messaged The WebMaster directly.
Added the following questions asked by HappyDaze as well as cleaned up the questions asked about the Loronar and YV-929.
Vehicle AttachmentsQuestion asked by HappyDaze :
Can starships have multiple installations of Attachments like Enhanced Carbon-Durasteel Armor or High-Output Ion Turbine?
Answered by Sam Stewart :
Generally, no, they can only benefit from one of each type of attachment. Exceptions may be made for attachments such as weapons, however.
Limited Ammo and Linked Quality
Question asked by HappyDaze :
How do Limited Ammo and Linked interact?
If a Proton Torpedo Launcher has Limited Ammo 8 and Linked 1, which (A or B) is correct?
A) It can fire 8 times, each launching 2 torpedoes. The launcher holds a total of 16 torpedoes with the Limited Ammo saying how many salvos are available.
B) It can fire 4 times, each launching 2 torpedoes. The launcher holds a total of 8 torpedoes with the Limited Ammo saying how many torpedoes are available and that number divided by the number of linked launchers.
Answered by Sam Stewart :
B is correct. You could also specify that you're only firing one shot, and choose not to even try and activate Linked. As long as the GM says its alright, then you'd fire a maximum of one torpedo.
I have a question that may or may not be stupid concerning activating weapon qualities:
Certain Active qualities (Autofire, Burn, Blast, Guided and Linked) say explicitly that activating the quality is dependent on a successful hit. Other Active qualities (Concussive, Disorient, Ensnare, Knockdown, Stun and Sunder), only say "when [quality] is activated".
Does this mean that even if (for example) my Brawl attack is unsuccessful (ie causes no damage), I can spend any net advantages to knock my opponent down or disorient him (but not deal damage)?
I have a question that may or may not be stupid concerning activating weapon qualities:
Certain Active qualities (Autofire, Burn, Blast, Guided and Linked) say explicitly that activating the quality is dependent on a successful hit. Other Active qualities (Concussive, Disorient, Ensnare, Knockdown, Stun and Sunder), only say "when [quality] is activated".
Does this mean that even if (for example) my Brawl attack is unsuccessful (ie causes no damage), I can spend any net advantages to knock my opponent down or disorient him (but not deal damage)?
The main description of item qualities specifies weapon effects only can be activated when an attack is successful.
Sorry, could I get a page number? The bit about Item Qualities on page 154 only says you need to spend Advantages to activate qualities, nothing about successes.
Also when you look at the advantages table on page 206 it clearly states you need a successful hit that deals damage past soak to activate a critical, but nothing like that for activating weapon qualities.
Edited by scarabIt's 168 in AoR. Haven't got EoE in front of me. It's the last paragraph of the Item Qualities intro. "Weapon qualities can only trigger on a successful attack, unless specified otherwise."
A couple Force-related clarifications from Sam:
First Q : For the Sense power, could a PC with both the Ongoing Effect Control Upgrades activate them with a single Action, or would each Ongoing Effect require its own Action? I could honestly see this going either way, though I'm leaning towards the "single action to commit Force dice to each Ongoing Effect."
Answer : To your first question: no. Each ongoing effect requires an Action to activate (and you'd need the Force Rating to activate both as well).
Second Q : For talents that involve rolling Force dice, such as Overwhelm Emotions or Invigorate (AoR), can a PC spend a Destiny Point to convert any dark side points into light side points? My thought on this would be "no" given that for those talents, rolling dark side points has a specific effect and it's for a talent, not a Force power.
Answer : To your second question: also no. This talent is somewhat unique in that it doesn't use Force Points, but the Light Side and Dark Side results on the die itself. Since it's entirely dependent on the results and no points are generated, you can't flip a Destiny Point to generate Force Points with Dark Side results.
Do AoR rules overrule EoE rules in general (ie should my group consider AoR as further errata of EoE?)
Edited by scarabI would view them as refinement of existing rules, at the end of the day rules are ultimately subject to the discretion of each table and what works for them.
Why is there no support for this game anymore?
Greetings people!
A few weeks ago I made a question to understand game concept instead mechanics, and, I LOVED the answer.
I was one of those people that believed that combat hit probabilities where too high, even fighting minions. The answer satisfied me.
The aswer was too long (if do you want I will post it) but the main idea was that minion groups wouldn't be more than 3 per pack.
This way (with stats at 3) maximum dices against heroes would be 3 plus Boosts.
I liked a lot this answer. With nemesis/high rivals vs players hit% seems a bit high yet, but at least this solved the "minion problem".
Also there is another point that I have to remember and auto apply that ROUNDS AREN'T 6 SECONDS XD
A bit off-topic but, after re-watching 2 times Clone Wars and Movies (yes, I need a girlfriend XD) I discovered that I was wrong about Force and Jedi "level of power".
Of course they are strong, but, not so much as I thought. I found a lot of limitations and samples, plot is the main one XD, but there are a lot of them.
The aswer was too long (if do you want I will post it)
Oh, yes please do. I want to read that stuff =)
Split the force-related questions into their own category and added Dono's questions:
Question asked by Donovan Morningfire :
For the Sense power, could a PC with both the Ongoing Effect Control Upgrades activate them with a single Action, or would each Ongoing Effect require its own Action? I could honestly see this going either way, though I'm leaning towards the "single action to commit Force dice to each Ongoing Effect.
Answered by Sam Stewart :
Each ongoing effect requires an Action to activate (and you'd need the Force Rating to activate both as well).
Question asked by Donovan Morningfire :
For talents that involve rolling Force dice, such as Overwhelm Emotions or Invigorate (AoR), can a PC spend a Destiny Point to convert any dark side points into light side points? My thought on this would be "no" given that for those talents, rolling dark side points has a specific effect and it's for a talent, not a Force power.
Answered by Sam Stewart :
No. This talent is somewhat unique in that it doesn't use Force Points, but the Light Side and Dark Side results on the die itself. Since it's entirely dependent on the results and no points are generated, you can't flip a Destiny Point to generate Force Points with Dark Side results.
So thanks to the other thread, I asked Sam if someone could have both Signature specializations:
Rule Question:
Can a player have more than one Signature Ability? Lets say that a Colonist Politico character manages to buy out his Talent Tree to allow him to pick up Unmatched Expertise.
This character then buys the Entrepreneur tree and buys all the talents in the bottom row. Should he be allowed to attach Insightful Revelation to the new tree? Or does a character get one Signature Ability - and that's it.
Answered by Sam Stewart :
A bit late sorry, this was tha answer to "concept question" about minion hit %
In regards to your point about your PCs worried about going up against a squad of stormtroopers, that is how we intended the game to work (although minion groups should be capping around 3-5, and only 5 if you want a very dangerous threat for your PCs). The game is designed so that enemies always pose at least a little bit of a threat to PCs.
As long as you're not fighting enemies with Vicious or Lethal Blows, being incapacitated with a Critical Injury shouldn't be something your players fear too much, however. One Critical Injury isn't going to kill them, and a few stim packs should be able to get them back on their feet.
Just curious, is there a reason for using the "Spoiler" tag?
Surely developer answers to questions about the game aren't spoilers? It makes it difficult to scan the thread.
Just because sometimes the "Question/Answer" is too long I supose
Also the Spoiler button is cool XD
Edited by Josep Maria
I guess
It just means I can't really browse the questions and answers.
I did it because all the cool kids were doing it.
Hi everyone!
Here goes a clarification about "Force Push".
Josep: There is any official response about "Force Push" power or it isn't created? It's a variant from Move?
Sam: Force Push, Pull, and Move are all the same thing in our game. Anything you could do with Push, you should be able to do with Move.
Josep: Thanks but, how do you handle the "Knockdown" effect that we can see sometimes on the movies? Its cinematic or I miss something?
Sam: If it's an opposed check, it would be something you could use Advantage to activate. If it's just a Force power check, then it's probably cinematic (if you're targeting minions or no-name rivals, whether or not they're knocked down probably doesn't make a huge difference either way).
Do you prefer this posts without spoiler button? What do you think people?
Edited by Josep MariaHi everyone!
Here goes a clarification about "Force Push".
Josep: There is any official response about "Force Push" power or it isn't created? It's a variant from Move?
Sam: Force Push, Pull, and Move are all the same thing in our game. Anything you could do with Push, you should be able to do with Move.
Josep: Thanks but, how do you handle the "Knockdown" effect that we can see sometimes on the movies? Its cinematic or I miss something?
Sam: If it's an opposed check, it would be something you could use Advantage to activate. If it's just a Force power check, then it's probably cinematic (if you're targeting minions or no-name rivals, whether or not they're knocked down probably doesn't make a huge difference either way).
Do you prefer this posts without spoiler button? What do you think people?
Huh. Really weird. I had taken Bind to be the Force Push power. It stops people in their tracks, can move them around and the Disorient is a kind of knock-down. So if Bind isn't Force Pauh, what is it? I get the Dark Side version is Force Choke but what is the Light Side version? It seems to accomplish the same things (in game universe) as Move on people.