Question on activating Vipers

By RebRob, in Battlestar Galactica

I'm trying to get my handle on the rules for this game, and I think I've basically got it down. However, I do have one question about activating vipers.

The base game rules seem to say that you can choose one of three actions when activating a viper: launching a viper, moving a viper, or attacking with the Viper. It then goes on to say that you can activate a viper any number of times in a given turn. So, the way I read it is: you choose one of the three actions, and then you may take that action any number of times with that Viper on a turn.

Obviously, if you're launching a viper, that's the only thing you can do with it for that turn, unless a card or ability gives you another action.

However, if you're moving the Viper or attacking with the viper, you get to do that multiple times in the turn, provided it's the same action. So, I can take my viper from a given space, and basically move it around the board to wherever I want. Or, if I'm using the attack action, I can attack any number of raiders in the space with the Viper on a given turn.

Am I interpreting this rule correctly?

Edited by RebRob

You are not the first to ask, and you are a little off... but so close.

If you use command, you get 2 activations. If you are already there and get an executive order, you could have 4 activations. With each one of those, to any (unmanned) viper or including the same one, you can launch (if available in reserves), move to an adjacent area, or attack a cylon ship. There is no limit to how many activations you may use, but you have to have them.

If you are piloting a viper, during you movement step you may move the viper or spend a card to move to The Gallactica or Colonial one. You may then use your action to activate YOUR viper to move or attack a cylon ship. You can do this with any number of actions - if you have then (i.e., an executive order). NOTE: Movement STEP is when you can spend the card to move back to a capital ship, not the activation movement of a viper.

I think what they were trying to say in their working is you can activate the same viper more than once, or any other combination. You could activate a ship once, another twice, original once, or whatever.

Almost there, treat each activation as a completely independent standalone event.

So if you have 4 activations you could do 4 different things with 4 different vipers.

OR you could take one ship and do any 4 things you like with it (eg launch, shoot, choose to shoot again if you missed the first one, then move with the same ship)