11 on the dial and Decoy at Dantooine

By AussieJedi, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Hey everyone.

Was playing a game tonight and something came up. The dial was at 11 and I had 2x Decoy at Dantooine in play.

My question is that if my opponent was to kill off one of the objectives, would the dial tick back BEFORE it starts to turn to 12, since it is an interrupt? ie would I be given a burst of life and the game still keep on going.

OR because it would normally tick over to 12, that satisfies the win condition for the DS, therefore not allow the opportunity to trigger the Decoys

I would expect that it would be the former, but wanted to throw it to you guys.


Since it's an interrupt, it will move the dial back. It's probably in the best interest for the DS player to just not attack...

Edited by JustinMcBride

Unless they have already destroyed 2 objectives, have ways to cancel Decoy at Dantooine (like It's Worse) or ways to turn the dial some more (like Imperial Officer). Then the dial will go to 12 anyway.

No disrespect but if you are using "Its Worse" then you probably are not winning. great card in a really bad pod.

You never know, your opponent might have a bad deck, too, or a screwed up draw. Anyway, I wasn't concerned about realism in my previous answer and I was just giving examples (though It's Worse is probably the only applicable cancel for the moment).

Edited by Khudzlin