In my current campaign, I as the sergeant have acquired an Eviscerator chainsword through a lucky roll and an Inquisitor's box. Since this mighty weapon is a two handed sword, it kind of ruins my build of a chainsword/laspistol wielder. I have Ambidextrous and both Two Weapon Wielder talents, so those kind of went down the drain.
That is, until I got an idea. What if I mounted the laspistol with the forearm weapon mount? That way I could have my Eviscerator, as well as shoot my laspistol as is described on the Two Weapon Fighting page of the rules (pg 252). I am all set to do this, except now I wonder about the other arm? I could certainly mount another laspistol, but would I be able to use it?
Since I have Ambidextrous and the Two Weapon Wielder (ranged) talents, I know I could fire both laspistols in the same half action. Since I also have Two Weapon Wielder (melee), I know I could fire a laspistol and hit with a melee weapon in a half action. What do you guys think about combining these too? Would it be feasible to shoot the two laspistols in one half action, then hit with the Eviscerator in the next? Assuming the pistols are forearm mounted on each arm, that is.