Hi sorry if this has been talked about elsewhere, I must have missed it while scanning the posts. I here ratlings have a new rifle in soh I was wondering why, what is better, the old rifle seemed great why a new one? As so have ogryn got any more weapons as it seemed a shame they just seemed to jave one real option with the ripper gun? Sorry for asking this its just my local store haven't got soh in so not been able to get a copy yet.
new weapons in SOH
Oh yeah, the 'Longshot' sniper rifle... It is effectively a sniper rifle with longer range, the option to change it into a pistol (halved range, loses Accurate), and special ammunition (including an explosive(!!!) round). The only downside of the weapon is logistics because you can't feed it with normal SP ammo just the special (an very rare) slugs.
And the Ogryns have got another weapon option: the "Mauler Cannon" - a short-ranged twin-linked autocannon-esque weapon.
Sounds good. Nice to see the abhumans get a bit of love. Although the rifle seems to be a bit flawed it its that hard to get the ammo. Plus range doesn't seem too much of a plus in only war unless you play on maps as everything seems to happen around 150 to 50 unless you in close combat or that might just be my experience.
Frankly the Longshot seems kinda ****. The fluff para describes it as some kind of ace sniper tool but its standard slug does no more real damage than a sniper rifle, it's single shot, and while Proven (4) and Razor Sharp are nice to have they're somewhat discounted by the sheer amount of reloading involved, and the only other workable option is the explosive round, and even that seems completely useless.
Do the weapons add anything to the game or are the just slight tweeks to current weapons for weapons sake?
Some of the weapons add stuff - mostly the integrated weapons (which are still pretty OP but require so **** much to get hold of it's not that much of a problem), the Vehicle weapons (which you'll need because one of the vehicle profiles has the wrong stats for the Volcano Cannon) and the Pyrophoric Vambrace (which is just so awesome) are the cool things. There's some reskinned stuff still lurking though, like the 'Emperor's Will' Laspistol, or the somewhat pointless holy chainaxe, or the gamebreaking mace fist. Really the vehicles are where SoH shines.
And the Servitors.