Quick Newbie Questions

By redripper, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Trying to figure out from the wording of things how play proceeds onto the next week of a season...as right now it appears that exhausted cards are refreshed...and then you draw new cards from your current draw pile...so does that mean you leave players that are committed to match ups on the table with those match ups, or do those cards go into your discard pile?

I know that you draw new highlights and a new headline/tournament card, but since it doesn't state that you take your player cards and toss them into discard it makes me think they stay on the table.

I might just be reading things wrong, but I'm having an issue interpreting this part of it for some reason. I might have figured it out and am reading the rules so much I no longer understand them.

Edited by redripper

Under Scoreboard Phase:

"e. Clear the Pitch: The players involved in the matchup go to the

owning manager’s discard pile. Highlight cards are returned to
the game box." (p. 9)