Any good strategies for Obscenes?

By Kaladin Stormblessed, in BattleLore

Hey, everyone. After 6 games (always with Uthuk) I fail to see how Obscenes work in the game. They are completely obliterated by cavalry since they can easily be surrounded and picked off (no counter negates their special ability) and their 1 movement is ridiculous. If their craving ability worked through forest hexes and such, maybe they would be a sort of special unit for those cases. But it doesn't so why pay the cost to have them there? Right now, they hit less hard than a hurt blood harvester. So, why have 2 obscenes instead of 3 BHs? Even 1 for 1 I tend to prefer BHs, and I had way more kills with them.
So, Uthuk players, In which cases do you use Obscenes? And where in the field?
If they had an ability like cannibalize or a heal for adjacent units, maybe they would be useful (although, that could break them, I dunno).

Well... first of all, Ferocity is an awesome ability, since it allows you to counter even in case you're forced to retreat. Then, craving is not that bad: it's an extra +1 movement most of the times, if you a) deploy the Obscenes in convenient spaces (clearly, not the closest to your faction's edge) and b) if you use them to protect VP banners or the Command tent. As soon as an enemy unit approaches to one of these targets, it's very easy to trigger Craving.

As for the Blood Harvesters' point, it's true that BH could roll 4 dice as well, but this means they are reduced to a 2-figure unit which mean they are easier to be wiped off the game board. Whether to deploy 2 Obscenes or 3 BHs, it's part of your starting strategy. Both could be good, if used properly. I think units are quite well balanced, so far.