And here we arrive at our final entry, the Colonist. You can check out the full list of seeds here .
And, one last time, here's a seed to get us started.
Specialization: Politico
The Hook: There are two crime families that have been fighting each other for years. For some reason (leadership change/especially brutal battle/whatever), they would like to end hostilities. They hire the PCs to help mediate the negotiations and keep everyone in line.
The Meat: Not everyone within the families is sold on this idea; there will be attempts from both sides to sabotage the meeting. The negotiations themselves should offer many opportunities for social challenges as the PCs try to keep both parties cool and focused. As tempers flare, some of the more "direct" of the PCs may need to step in to keep everyone under control. The PCs should also spend time investigating both sides to root out any potential saboteurs, but allow them to come to this idea on their own.
Unless the PCs are especially successful, I would suggest having at least one sabotage effort succeed. This should have a twofold effect on the adventure. First and most obvious, it will setback the negotiations and will require work from the PCs to mellow things out. The second, and most important, is it will give the non-social PCs something to do; tracking down and exposing the saboteur will help the negotiations immensely, especially when it's revealed that the saboteur was acting without consent from their leadership.
The End: Successful mediation should be rewarded with both monetary rewards as well as a few valuable and powerful contacts. Failure could lead to some bad blood, especially if any key players are killed.
Edited by ddbrown30