I know this topic has been covered before, and naysayers are ruthlessly criticized by FFG loyalists but I have something to say and then I will give FFG one final one finger salute.
People say the new rules are better, that may be true but it is a matter of opinion. I don't think they are better but they are different. They certainly rely more on miniatures and a whole assortment of accessories which I am sure FFG will be more than happy to sell to us. As a matter of fact I am positive that this is the whole reason for the second edition.
I love the war hammer universe, both the fantasy and 40K, but I am done being fleeced for my cash by FFG.
I let them get away with their cheesy behavior when they released all the 40k rpg's as separate books when it should have been one unified rule system for all the lines: DH, RT, OW, DW, etc, but the books were so well done and I love the setting so much I let it slide.
Wizards of the Coast pulled the same stunt with D&D 4th edition, and their fan base is still punishing them for it.
FFG, you have betrayed the trust of your customers all to make a buck. There is only one price for betrayal, and that is...HAH! Scared you didn't I? I will not give you the same punishment that the emperor visits upon traitors, but for a money grubbing business it is almost as bad...I wont be handing you my money anymore. Perhaps enough other people will have the sense to do the same as me. Then your company will die the slow death of all businesses that make huge mistakes.
I am done with you.