I've mentioned in posts on the previous forums that the Inquisitor in my game is Mordant Crimson, a radical Istvaanian Ordo Malleus Exorcist. He likes manipulating things to provoke conflict (read: kick over termite mounds) to better test the mettel of the Imperium for the "coming fires of conflict" against the Ruinous Powers. He's very well intentioned but very Machiavellian and he has ties outside the sector with the Exorcist Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.
I've also previously mentioned that I have a group of occasional players who drop in and out of games. They play a second acolyte team working for a puritanical monodominant Ordo Hereticus who is a rival of the main group's master and is very watchful of him, hoping to catch him on charges of heresy.
The thing is that neither group has met the other's Inquisitor (in fact the first group has never met their own master, having always worked through his Interrogators and more senior Acolytes. It therefore got me thinking; what if the two Inquisitors are actually the same person?
Mordant Crimson (taken from the old list of 200 Inquisitors operating in the sector) is obviously a title or pseudonym rather than a name (Mordant meaning caustic questioning and Crimson is often used to signify guilt) so subconsciously I’m implying that he is not as he seems. It also suits his Istvaanian methods to exist behind layers of secrecy. What I’m imagining is that the monodominant was either one of his old Acolytes who rose to Inquisitor status and has since died or been lost and Mordant has taken on their role as an additional cover or it is just a complete fabrication on his part.
He’s also slightly mad, which is understandable given his length of service, but it does open another two possibilities: either there was a puritan Inquisitor who attempted to stop or unveil Mordant’s plans and so he had him removed or killed. Rather than waste his brother Inquisitor’s resources he just took control of them, keeping the façade that the puritan was still very much alive and in control. The final option that I’ve considered is that Mordant’s insanity is so great that his psyche has fractured into two different identities and personalities – both of which at extreme ends of the spectrum and now in conflict with each other.
Any thoughts?