hey guys sup? i used to play the naruto tcg like two or three years back and am curious to get into it again, i wanna here from players of it how the game has progressed, what the formats like and maybe some rare cards and maybe some good deck lists. im just looking for a new game to get back into
interested in naruto tcg
Well, I still have some knowledge. The game format is similer then the past games. But now there are cards from the Shippuden series. You probably already knew. The cards are increasing to include some of the movies. But all in all, the same. In fact, I believe more people are into the game then before.
collect a card used to have a decent amount of players but my friend said it pretty much died by us. il check with him agian just to make sure though. its probably like KH most people dont activly play but if theres a tourny a ridiculous amount of people will whip out thier decks-if they brought them
The game is starting to pick back up in Chiagao.
My friends are still working on getting a league togather. I think they have like 6 people playing. They should become more active once the Pokemon TCG goes on Hiatus after Nationals next month
wait where do you play in chicago vice