I think I've found the first major inconsistency when it comes to various weapons and their profiles/depictions in the WH40kRP games.
Most other inconsistencies in this way can be explained away with the weapons being different patterns of the same overall designs. There's a difference between the various Lasguns, for example. There's Cadian Hellguns in Ascension, and the Hellguns in Rogue Trader are Lucius-Pattern.
In Rogue Trader, there is the Lucius-Pattern Hellgun, which has a range of 110m.
In Only War, the exact same weapon, now listed as "Hot-Shot Lasgun" (which is just another name for Hellgun), described as also being a Lucius-Pattern. However, the range is now a mere 60m.
Similarly, the Rogue Trader version of the Lucius-Pattern Hellpistol is 35m, while the Only War version is only 20m.
This strikes me as very odd, when a simple change of pattern would've allowed you to preserve both profiles as distinctly different weapons. Instead, they chose to keep the Lucius-Pattern and change it's stats.
Anyone have any idea what the rationale behind this could've been? Personally, I am really feeling the pull to use the Only War version, since it's the "latest update" of the weapon profile, but at the same time, I have no idea why a Hellgun/Hot-Shot Lasgun would have such a drastically reduced range of effectiveness compared to an M36 Lasgun, or any Lasgun pattern I can think of, really.