My son and I played The Firelands for the first time last night, and got our butts handed to us (partially because a bad shuffle ended up with all the Ifrit clumped together). Still, in the midst of it all, we had a question. Here's the Ifrit Sheikh's text:
"Whenever a character draws an enemy card with 'Ifrit' in its title, he must place one fireland token on the space closest to the Sheikh which does not have a fireland token. If 2 spaces are equally close, that character chooses. The Sheikh will remain here until killed."
My son thought that this meant, even though he'd just drawn the Sheikh that turn, he had to place one fireland token on it (because it has 'Ifrit' in its title) and suffer the effect at the end of his turn. I felt (hoping he wouldn't die too soon) that this effect only occurs starting with the first turn after the Sheikh is already on the table.
Which is it?
Edited by I. J. Thompson