You know what I miss?

By HolyDragonCloud, in UFS Off Topic

Xenomic's fan sets from the old boards. Those things were so awesome. =;(

I never got through all of them =(

Greg and I were talking on MSN earlier and came up with a great design for King, though =D

One can only hope he's as awesome when the Tekken set hits.

Mah fan sets are still around, they just keep getting pushed so far back in the General Discussion board that it's ridiculous.....and here I'm about to make some new cards thanks to me making some UFS decks after 9 months of not playing ^^;;

And dont' worry, I'll have new things up eventually....there's a lot of new things in there too if you haven't seen them since the old boards.....probably 1000 new cards or something? ^^;;

For those of you who still would like to see what all new I've done. Beware the last page'll see a SUPREMELY high amount of new stuff there. ^^;;