Nice to meet you, I'm the new guy.

By MelodiousNocturne, in New Key Bearers

After awhile of thinking, I decided to order a Kingdom Pack. I was iffy at first because there is no one in my vicinity

who has heard of this game, but I saw that there are online servers here so I went through with it. Hope to play

some of you guys soon!

Good to hear from another new player... Hope to play you sometime soon, and that you can get your area starting the game sometime soon...

Where are you anyways?

Greetings, and welcome to the Kingdom Hearts TCG forum.

Hello i'm a new player as well just started yesterday as a matter of fact. so i'm really new, anyways nice to meet you all!

Welcome to both of you new players! We always love the new ones around here, make yourself comfortable, post often, be nice and feel free to ask any questions you guys may have. ^_^

~Mr. Dawn